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Friday, April 07, 2017

Ben Carson Uncovers MAJOR FRAUD Under Obama’s HUD- We Got Him.

Well well well…would you look at that. Liberals were REAL quick to call President Trump’s selection to run HUD “unqualified”, and stated that the job was too “complicated” for a brain surgeon to understand…but, look at them now.

Ben Carson has just made their worst nightmare come true, he has just uncovered massive incompetence on behalf of Obama’s Department of Housing and URban Development, or it maybe straight up corruption.

Wait for it…


So, you can bet that right now House Republicans are calling for hearings to find out EXACTLY what happened to the money.

That’s right folks,the inspector general for the Department of Housing Urban Development who took on the job Democrats cried was far too difficult for him to figure out how to do has just revealed this week that for three straight years…it appears Obama’s HUD, COOKED THE FREAKING BOOKS!


Apparently, HUD’S books are in such BAD shape that literally cannot complete an audit, a second time around.



  1. How else do the dumbocrats pay for voter fraud?

  2. Thank you Dr. Carson, any like minded person would have known the good doctor was up to doing the task, no matter what position he was appointed to manage. It didn't take many minutes to understand what a competent man Dr. Carson is, when he spoke at the mayor's prayer breakfast years ago at the then Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. Paul Martin was occupying the mayor's seat.

  3. 500 billion dollars? Please arrest Nancy she was against Carson the entire time. Funny how she wasn't called a racist though.

  4. But some of you people still think the "single payer" insurance run by the government is the "best idea." Another wonderful example of what happens when governments run things. Money gets lost, stolen, misappropriated, call it what you will. Sorta similar to Medicare and Social Security. You know, those "entitlement" programs that people paid into all of their lives. That money was supposed to be put "in trust" so that it would be there when the people retired or became disabled. But the government ran out of money on some other programs so they just "borrowed" it. Now they want to scream about how "we need to do something or the programs are just going to go broke." Put back the money you took out of them. Stop paying out on claims that aren't correct. People have received "benefits statements" which show them having limbs replaced and they have contacted Medicare to say, "hey, I still have all my limbs." The reply of, "we'll look into it." Never happens.

  5. Put some people in prison. That is the kind of theft and mismanagement that cannot be explained away.
    Like I've said before --- Two Sets of Laws.
    If you or I managed our business that way, or couldn't account for $400-500 BILLION dollars, the IRS, Homeland Security, and the FBI would have us tied up and waterboarded as they put us through every legal wringer they could. They would bankrupt us, ruin our lives, and eventually hand us a 25-45 term in a really tough prison. $500 BILLION!!! F'ing FIVE HUNFRED BILLION!!
    THEY, however, get to throw their hands in the air and act like they just don't care. Then retire on $100,000 a year. No charges, no loss of anything, no problems. %500 billion just uh, um, disappeared. We just don't know where all that money went. (Note: try telling the IRS some BS like that. You'll be in handcuffs before you could say "please don't"
    Prison for "we, the people". Pension for them.
    Keep cheering.

  6. Is anyone really surprised?
    Why do politicians spend millions of dollars in to get elected for a job that pays peanuts? 2 reasons: power and controlling the money flow for favors or kickbacks.
    Washington is a cesspool of corruption. I hope Trump kicks in to high gear the draining of that swamp.
    all of our politicians and MSM talk about corruption in regimes around the globe when the worst corruption is in our own backyard!


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