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Saturday, April 29, 2017

ANTIFA Demand Soros to Pay Up!

Antifa members are chanting they want George Soros to pay them $15 an hour and pay up now. Apparently, Mr. Soros is delinquent in paying his useful idiots.

Beverly Hills ANTIFA demands 4 their billionaire boss "George Soros, PAY US OUR MONEY" ...$15/hr Hehe


  1. So the "Anti-anarchist" anarchists are not getting their money?

    Is it possible that a liberal would lie and cheat them?

    Oh, that just can't be true..

  2. Democrats not paying their bills? Not at all surprising.

  3. So it is actually ANTIFA - TU for clarification and correction

  4. Good luck you just worked for nothing. Another Soros con game. You work for a "shadow government" protest Democracy and you get what you deserve. Nothing.

  5. Replies
    1. I do Sun thur Fri - Sat is my day not to have 1


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