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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Am I About To Eat Crow, Yes.

As most of you know, when the Free College plan came out by County Executive Bob Culver, I was the first to become a major critic against this policy. When the County Council agreed with it, again, I was firmly against it.

HOWEVER, it was actually a genius idea, I was wrong and allow me to explain.

The key to this program is something none of us actually thought of, economic development. Out of nowhere hundreds of people who would have never applied to attend WorWic thinking they'd never qualify, came forward and filled out applications. 

When we all thought this would come on the backs of County Taxpayers, the major majority of applicants actually qualified for grants that have nothing to do with additional local taxpayers on the County level. 

So out of nowhere, by bringing in all of these additional students, the County Executive actually helped draw students into attending college and no matter what anyone says, this is a very positive program. So much so, Governor Hogan reviewed what had happened and is now encouraging the very same program for other Community Colleges throughout the state of Maryland. Hence why we are now hearing about this program being encouraged in Somerset County as well. 

Think about it. The individuals applying for this program are economically challenged families who never thought they'd get the chance to further their education. They will have the opportunity to find great paying jobs and WorWic has the opportunity to grow. 

Finally, there were only 19 individuals that actually rely on County funds so far. The County put aside quite a bit of money thinking it might cost more but that just wasn't the case. They have used less then $30,000.00 of the $212,000.00 set aside. It has brought in over 100 students on Pell Grants, (federal money).


  1. Something still doesn't smell right about this.....I must read further.

    1. 30k a year, that's 7 years of funding based on the 212k the County has given them.

  2. Glad to see you've come around. One of those issues where I still can't believe the opposition to citizens receiving an education

  3. Nothing is free Joe , federal taxes are taxes we pay , it doesn't make a bit of difference where it comes from. I have a feeling you like Culver so much that you changed your mind.

  4. I suspect some of the influx of students may be the realization that wor-wic CREDITS can be transferred to most colleges, thereby saving students thousands of dollars on their initial college education. I am FOR helping students whenever possible.

  5. Don't be so hard on yourself.You've actually been right about some things.

  6. Oh now all of a sudden everyone whats to change their tune... So the so called Economically challenged person isn't considered sucking off the system anymore???

    Well you all are forgetting TWO THINGS!!!!! First, NOTHING IS EVER FREE!!! Second, once these grants run out, and they will, who will pay then??? Remember, MARYLAND BE CAME A SANCTUARY STATE, and as such, we will soon lose federal govt help with grants and all of that free money that used to come to the state, that will no longer be the case, so where will the money come from then??? Also, this is just a lore to get this system going and then you the tax payer will cover the cost via taxes, MARK MY WORDS...

    Just like, how the city got grants for cops salaries and guess what, after the 1st year, the tax payers had to cover their salaries... Just like how the fire department got grants and they used it on a fire boat that it sits in dry dock to this day!!!!

  7. federal money is still my money!

  8. I'd rather have them coming here than the scum from ECI.

  9. OK, I knew I was going to take somewhat of a beating over this, but that's fine.

    Yes, nothing is free. However, when you look at the big picture when this first came out we were ALL looking at a LOT more money. I, (for one) am very pleased that while the Executive and Council moved forward with this, it didn't hit us anywhere near as bad as it could have. Come on now, you have to agree with that portion, right?

    As for the Somerset County portion, that is being funded by the Governor and Feds. Keep in mind, Hogan put away a couple million dollars for that program BUT more then likely it will only cost ALL Maryland taxpayers a very minute amount of money.

    While ALL of what I am saying sounds very Liberal, come on now. We are in a very DEPRESSED portion of the country and certainly this state. We are giving young adults a chance to better their lives, (and hopefully and ultimately) and our lives as well.

    Here's another thing to keep in mind. There are many students, (so far) that did NOT keep up the simple 2.0 average and were removed from the Wicomico County program.

    So all in all it's a good thing in my opinion.

  10. Joe, first... thanks for admitting it. Not everyone can do that, especially in a public forum.
    Second, there are way too many naysayers around here that are so negative about anything and everything.
    I agreed with Bob from the start. Wor-WIc is a gem and a much needed institution for local kids trying to get a start. It provides the optimism and the hope they need to continue and become a productive citizen.
    I wish some of your regulars could actually see things as half full instead of half empty all the time. Their lives must really suck.
    That's my 2 cents.
    Thanks again for your blog. It's a great way to get un-biased and un-filtered local information.

  11. LOL yeah that "free" education is going to really improve things. It's all about jobs period end of story. There are those with environmental engineering degrees working as bartenders locally, those with a biology degree working in a jewelry store. Examples of this type of thing are endless. Until we start moving more jobs onshore this is nothing more then throwing good money after bad.

  12. I am glad to see you are a big enough man to admit when you are wrong.

    1. Lol what about all the other times he was wrong and didn't admit it?

  13. seems like the high school guidance counselors should be able to direct people to this info. All this does is makes the taxpayers guarantee some students for worwic to get their numbers up.

  14. I am tapped out.........

  15. Let me add a couple thoughts as well.

    While some feel the need to attack Bob Culver and Larry Hogan, I can understand your frustration. Times are very tough on just about everybody, I get that.

    However, being a County Council Member, a County Executive and or even a Governor, you have to make decisions that move the community and state forward. In this case, (and another I'll be talking about later in another post, which will probably be controversial as well) none of the positions above are going to make every person happy. THINK about that!

    Another program that will be coming out is taxpayers putting up hundreds of thousands of dollars towards heroin and drug addiction. Look, it's a serious problem and unfortunately it's a massive problem here on the entire Eastern Shore. When you look at the massive problem with CRIME, investing money into a program, (partially created by Matt Maciarello and others) is something that needs to be done. By the way, this program is being recognized nation wide.

    Neither of these programs are going to be popular, especially in such hard times. The County has a particular income and BOTH of these programs and expenses are within the County Budget WITHOUT a tax increase. So I'd say it's putting "good money after good money". Something has to be done.

    Yeah, I know. Many of you don't want to hear it and again, I completely understand. Times are very different today then it was when many of us were growing up. We really didn't have drugs out there that you tried ONE TIME and were addicted for life. None that I recall anyway.

    So perhaps we can ALL compromise here. Perhaps the Council, Executive and Governor can REMOVE a program, (or two) from the past and prioritize the college and drug expenses? Just thinking out of the box. What do you think?

  16. It's not crow you have eaten Joe it's the liberal pill. Being a ripe old senior citizen I have watched politics for a long time. First of all everyone locally runs as a conservative then slowly but surely they start consuming the little pills of liberalism, some more than others grant you. This program is nothing more than liberalism at its best, and will only cost the taxpayers of Wicomico County more in future years. I am sorry you have fallen for this and can only wonder why ?

  17. It takes a big man to admit when he was wrong. Bet you will never see the MSM do such a thing.

  18. 12:39, LMAO, now I'm considered a RINO. Now that's funny. Man, you guys are a tough crowd. Learn to agree to disagree.

    Let me say this as well.

    I have dedicated 13 YEARS at delivering CONSERVATIVE news and information. What have YOU dedicated, NOTHING.

    As for 12:47, I'm married to a Liberal. If there's one thing I've learned over the many years I have been on this earth is that I'm a much better person because of it. While we disagree on almost every single political topic, she balances me in the sense that I am nowhere near as critical as I could be.

    I've not abandoned my republican party. I'm simply one step ahead of most of you by looking much deeper on certain topics and accepting CHANGE. This is NOT 1957 any more. You people from the past allowed legislators to STOP disciplining our children to keep them straight. YOU allowed laws to be changed to soften these pussy hat wearing snowflakes and it's been downhill ever since. I am simply doing my best to accept what won't KILL me because I believe in PAYING IT FORWARD. God Forbid YOU and others feel forced to help the more unfortunate.

    1. Conservative teacherApril 10, 2017 at 3:31 PM

      Amen! And while we are at it, quit blaming teachers everyone they are doing the best in the combat zones known as wcboe schools!

  19. Leave Joe alone and lets get back to bashing Limelight Lewis. He took some heat a few weeks ago and there were some "token" drug busts. Keep the fire lit under him. He will be out and about on his Harley now that the weather is nicer.

  20. Someone needs to look in to why they can't keep students. They hire teachers who are not qualified. Several of the teachers can't do the math let alone teach it. (Physics, Chemistry, etc) I spoke with an adult yesterday who transfered to Salisbury University because of this. Alot of kids are failing because the teachers are not teaching. If you try and complain, no one cares. A teacher should have to take the class and pass it before they teach it. There are some good teachers there but plenty of bad ones. I guess in all things in life, you get what you pay for.

  21. Pssst, Joe used the C word.

    Thats it. I can't take it anymore. Better yet, I'm taking the rest of the week off and start TGIF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (really I just needed the excuse!)

  22. Well said, Joe. Some people just don't get it, especially if it doesn't fit into their narrow-minded mold. Some of your conservative bloggers sound as closed-minded as the Hillary supporters. Doesn't matter if it makes sense if it's politically offensive to them.
    Like arguing with my wife: sometimes she doesn't want to hear logic.
    Smart people learn to listen to both sides and compromise to win the war, not just the current battle.

    1. Thank you! Another person with a brain!

  23. I agree with 12:47 senior citizen. Free tuition is a liberal idea meant to appease those who they convinced a college degree would be the answer to the loss of jobs problem. When many of the blue collar jobs moved off shore the democrats came up with the answer to unemployment is a college degree. The worst part was they lowered standards to make it look like more were intellectually capable of a higher education. The truth is not all are nor are all interested. Then when the college degree turned out to be useless this free tuition idea was dreamed up and now that is supposed to be the answer. It's not.

  24. gRANTS Are Taxpayers Money-----It's that
    simple===but I'd rather pay for this then
    Welfare! However, Where are they going to
    get jobs around here after they graduate?
    They will leave, and pay their taxes elsewhere.
    Sorry , I don't like it at all===again, we
    the taxpayers are screwed !!!!

    1. Perhaps you should enroll yourself given that horrendous grammatical nonsense you managed to bang out

    2. There are Jobs such as PRMC, WCBOE, Perdue, Jubilant Cadista, Chesapeake ShipBuilding

    3. I'm going to be graduating next year and since they did this program I will be going to WorWic to knock out my General courses and transfer to SU, which would save me a lot of money, I just don't know if I meet those requirements such as income.

  25. I agree this is a liberal feel good gesture that the end result will not improve anything. My friend's son graduated with an engineering degree from U of MD. He wanted to stay in the area so excepted a job for $14/per hour, not enough to live the American dream. They just had a baby girl who the parents income qualifies her for Medicaid. If we want graduates to stay in the area there does need to be more good paying jobs. It makes no sense to educate the so they move to the Western shore which is what will happen. I see no positive economic benefit to this at all. There are already too few jobs for those with degrees and until that flips where companies are competing for employees and not the other way around will this amount to nothing but a burden to tax payers who are already nicked and dimed to death.

  26. Federal grants or state money paying. What is the difference? One comes out of your federal income taxes and the other comes out of your state taxes. Neither of them is free. Both are taxpayer funded.

    I think we have far too many people running around now with a fancy degree from a college and no job. What good is it to go and get that fancy degree when there is no market for the job. Suddenly everyone is too good to be a HVAC technician, a plumber, a carpenter, an automotive repair technician. When no one can come and fix your furnace I guess you can burn that worthless piece of paper to stay warm. We would be better off if some people went to trade schools and realized that not everyone is cut out for degree driven jobs and there aren't as many degree driven jobs as there used to be.

  27. 5:38
    They used to offer a plumbing course at Votech at Parkside. I have heard they don't even offer it anymore because there were no students that were signing up for the class.

  28. Anonymous said...
    I suspect some of the influx of students may be the realization that wor-wic CREDITS can be transferred to most colleges, thereby saving students thousands of dollars on their initial college education. I am FOR helping students whenever possible.

    April 10, 2017 at 10:40 AM

    Then how about you pay more taxes so some of us don't have to.

  29. Anonymous said...
    They used to offer a plumbing course at Votech at Parkside. I have heard they don't even offer it anymore because there were no students that were signing up for the class.

    April 10, 2017 at 6:45 PM

    Thanks Joe. We know you heard that because you said so numerous times already.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm going to be graduating next year and since they did this program I will be going to WorWic to knock out my General courses and transfer to SU, which would save me a lot of money, I just don't know if I meet those requirements such as income.

    April 10, 2017 at 3:39 PM

    I think you need to go back to Middle School to learn proper grammar. How embarrassing can this sentence be. Thanks Bob, Thanks Wor Wic.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Perhaps you should enroll yourself given that horrendous grammatical nonsense you managed to bang out

    April 10, 2017 at 3:28 PM

    That is the problem with Wor Wic, they accept anything. A real university like a Big Ten school wouldn't accept someone with this poor grammar.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I agree with 12:47 senior citizen. Free tuition is a liberal idea meant to appease those who they convinced a college degree would be the answer to the loss of jobs problem. When many of the blue collar jobs moved off shore the democrats came up with the answer to unemployment is a college degree. The worst part was they lowered standards to make it look like more were intellectually capable of a higher education. The truth is not all are nor are all interested. Then when the college degree turned out to be useless this free tuition idea was dreamed up and now that is supposed to be the answer. It's not.

    April 10, 2017 at 2:26 PM

    Correct. There really are no jobs around here that require a 2 year college degree. Unless it is something like nursing or a skilled labor degree. Anything else is really a piece of paper to frame and put on your "I love me" wall.

  33. I've got a feeling all these pro "you are right Joe" comments are coming from the same person.

  34. Anonymous said...
    gRANTS Are Taxpayers Money-----It's that
    simple===but I'd rather pay for this then
    Welfare! However, Where are they going to
    get jobs around here after they graduate?
    They will leave, and pay their taxes elsewhere.
    Sorry , I don't like it at all===again, we
    the taxpayers are screwed !!!!

    April 10, 2017 at 3:05 PM

    That is my point exactly.

  35. Does anyone remember the reason that Bob came up with this "genius" idea? Didn't he say he was embarrassed because Harris Teeter or some store wouldn't come to Salisbury because there weren't enough college educated people here?

  36. I just want to know when school choice vouchers is going to "happen"?

  37. Sorry, but many in college don't have the intellectual wherewithal to accomplish the work required, nor do they have the work ethic or study habits to get good grades because Public Schools have allowed them to continually pass when in the old days, they would've failed grades for non-attendance and/or failure to complete work. This free education BS is also a slap in the face of every student that is paying off loans they took out to go to school. If the 'liberals' are so into fairness, then when are they forgiving all the student debt out there?

    People need to come to the realization that life isn't fair and some are just not meant for collegiate life. Its really that simple.

  38. if you can't graduate from worwic you need serious help. go into algebra 101 and see what's going on. WOW. I took algebra 101 in the seventh grade

  39. Who pays for the Fed Tax... Me for one. Next when people get stuff for free, most put no effort in it because it did not cost them a dime. How many complete when it's free? Next I know a person on Heroin who already gets free Health Care until he is 26 and he got a grant for Wor-Wic (before this program) then somehow took the $6600.00 and bought a big TV and the balance in Heroin. He has been in and out of dryout clinics only because they will lock him up if he does not go in. He has tested the waters many times, goes in front of a judge and get to go back in the dryout clinic. Also he has been caught stealing and breaking into cars etc. I wonder how many times he got away with it. It angers me that the four kids in that family get free health care (Priority Partners) until they are 26 and my kids have to pay. What will they do when they turn 26 because they can't manage now because of all the free stuff they are used to and they spent all their money on drugs and tattoos?

  40. The fact is, is that the goal was to have students STAY ON DELMARVA after graduation. That has not happened. People take their free college and enjoy their career over the bridge.


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