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Saturday, April 15, 2017

After Dropping “MOTHER” Of All Bombs On ISIS, Trump Puts N. Korea On NOTICE!

A reporter asked President Trump today if droppingthe largest non-nuclear bomb in the American arsenal on ISIS in Afghanistan had sent a message to North Korea. His response was EPIC…

President Trump:
“I don’t know if this sends a message, it doesn’t make any difference if it does or not.

North Korea is a problem, but the problem will be taken care of.”

Kim Jong Un’s father and himself as predecessor as Supreme Leader of North Korea may have finally fulfilled a goal to make North Korea a threat that the U.S. could not afford to ignore, at least they’re ‘a problem’ according to President Trump.



  1. All I saw was a couple hundred million dollars up in smoke to kill 36 ISIS fighters. It won't stop anything else.
    That money should've been used for healthcare, or immigration.

  2. 3:11
    Maybe you should stop reading the liberal news papers. The bomb did not cost millions and there was more then 36 killed.

  3. That money was spent years ago and no refunds/returns on bombs. Either they get used or are disposed of. The money is gone no matter which happens.

  4. And so, when another of theose Mothers'
    is needed ----do we have more or do the
    tax payers pay for it====again????

    Seems like the Results of the bomb
    is disappointing to most people. I would
    ave thought many more ISIS would have
    been targeted.


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