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Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Teen drug hiding places

Police and sheriffs' departments should offer a free canine search of any parent's home where the parents requests it. Hold any arrests until the parents request it. Find it, confiscate it and then let the parents deal with the rest until they've exhausted their options. Tough love.


  1. Of course no one reading this has ever heard of "in body"canine searches,but that would be my suggestion.The proper method is to search the subject in question before searching his or her living area.A canine trained for drug searches can easily make the transition to in body drug searches.That would also determine if that subject is using or selling or both.Dogs never cease to amaze me.A court order should then instruct that treatment be mandatory,with no further police or court action unless subject refuses to cooperate.

  2. It would help those parents who need answers perhaps for a son or daughter's behavior, so they can make decisions on how to best help them. It is a good thing and it is just an offer so take it or don't, if it was me I would want to know.

  3. That is a slippery slope for parents who want a "scared straight" wake-up call for their teen. This would be in direct opposition to all of the articles we read and watch reccommending that you do not talk to the police under any circumstances. You will have invited law enforcement into your home, specifically for the purpose of finding evidence of an actionable offense. Make no mistake, the search would very likely start at the front door, not their bedroom, and would certainly not end quickly, easily or cheaply especially if the police find more than you expected. BAD BAD BAD IDEA. If you are suspicious, you'd be better served by a key-logger app surreptitiously installed on your teens' new phone, or to simply keep your kid engaged in a running conversation and pay attention to what they're doing and who they spend their time with.


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