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Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Intersection of Parker Road and Phillip Morris Drive

Hi Joe,

I drive down Old Ocean City Road most days coming home from work. The intersection of Parker Road and Phillip Morris Drive desperately needs a left-turn signal. Those of us going straight through have to wait for turning cars, and they have blocked off the area to the right of the traffic lane so no one can pass. I’m tired of having to sit and wait and miss lights. Can you publish this and see if you can get some support? Thanks.


  1. Take an alternative route. Avoid that intersection.

  2. Agree completely. Alot of accidents at this light also.

  3. DUH!!!! Change you route!!!!! Use route 50....or one of the other 100 ways to avoid that intersection!!! You just like to complain!!!

  4. Hobbs Road at Old O.C. Rd. the same way. The fact is it's worse the other way with an arrow and can only let traffic go one way at a time, not north & south. They should put in left turn lanes and have the lights be green in both directions, east & west and then north & south. You can take 50 and catch every light or just stay home. I am a country boy and I plan to move out of Maryland soon. Maryland with all of the taxes suck including the flush tax that O'Crappy doulbed and now houses with Fire Sprinkler systems that freeze in the winter that Mathias imposed and he is on Royal Plus payroll. KICKBACK!!!

  5. Yes!!! Twice there have been traffic counters out there for the day. I hoped that would bring a change. I've also written to the mayor for awareness. It's a terrible intersection.

  6. It is illegal to pass on the right. If you hit an oncoming car turning left while you are passing someone on the right you will be at faught.

  7. No left turn from 4pm to 6pm or no left turn period.

  8. I love how all these people are suddenly civil engineers and traffic design planners. Yep, traffic sucks and you live in a city that has grown over the years. Find alternate routes, change times of travel or just be patient. Otherwise, you can move closer to work and use the bike paths - LOL!

  9. Horrible intersection. I have been #2 vehicle on Phillip Morris side behind a left turning vehicle and missed the light it is so short. To those of you sniping at the OP -- grow up, take your meds, whatever it takes to be civil. You are uncouth.

  10. 2:04 - Absolutely correct. I've lived out here for over 28 years and that intersection has always been like that. Glad they blocked the east bound shoulder on 346 - too many accidents from impatient drivers not willing to either obey the law or take another route. Wish they could do the same for west bound or spend some more enforcement effort on those who plow straight through on the turn lane.

  11. Poor baby!!! Im glad nothing else is wrong in your life and this is what you find to complain about.

  12. Thank you, 2:04 poster #2. When I need to stop at Food Lion after work, I have to go that way. And I live 4 miles from work and am disabled, so I can't ride a bike, but thanks for the suggestion, 2:04 poster #1.

  13. Absolutely no reason to change this intersection. I live in a neighborhood on Parker. It isn't bad anytime of day. Absolute waste of money to address a non issue. I'm at that intersection 2-4 times a day. And I see no reason to change it.

  14. Contact the roads department with your request, as a blog is not the horse's mouth to most area problems.

  15. 1:33 written Mayor for awareness? You wasted your time; this is not in the City of Salisbury!

  16. Not as bad of an intersection as Rt. 50 & 60 ft. Road

  17. I disagree with the statement of taking an alternative route or that it is not a problem intersection. If you live off Parker Road there is only that way or Outten Road which isnt much safer. I think the entire point of the post was to bring awareness to the fact that it is a very dangerous intersection with large back up... And actually, there is an easy fix... it should be a 4 way light system instead of 3. Secondly, the new light at Beaglin Park should be fixed to stop traffic on 346 when Parker Rd light is red. Problem solved and I have no engineering degree. I drive it 6 times a day... during morning and evening traffic times.

  18. Only SCS parents need that route now that Beaglin Park goes to the same place in a half mile shorter. DUH! It's a block over.

  19. OMG! Is there no end to the whining? NEWS FLASH: you are not the only ones on the road. Find another route, learn some patience, keep your self-importance in check.

    It's always, always, always an intersections fault. You fat lazy cows would have a mental breakdown if you ever had to drive somewhere off the shore where there is REAL traffic. Or you would be run over.

    Here's a tip: LEARN TO DRIVE.

    1. I'm from D.C. (city, not suburbs), so I am quite capable of driving in heavy city traffic, thanks.

  20. The shoulder should be blocked so you can't go around. Otherwise, people who are in a hurry and don't pay close attention would end up hitting opposing traffic who are also turning left. Find a new route. There are plenty. I drive from Salisbury to Willards 2x a day & I have found that Route 50 is quickest on my afternoon route & Old OC is quickest in the morning.

  21. Get over yourself 835. The intersection is too damn narrow and poorly controlled. Keep your nastiness to yourself.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm from D.C. (city, not suburbs), so I am quite capable of driving in heavy city traffic, thanks.

    April 21, 2017 at 7:55 AM

    lol you being from dc negates your entire statement. that area has some of the WORSE drivers. and that might explain why some drivers around here are so bad, they came from dc.

    1. I've found Eastern Shore drivers to be pretty bad, just in different ways.

  23. 8:35 is one of those idiots that sits at the intersection and puts her turn signal on at the last minute and jams everyone up. I mean, anyone who uses "OMG" to start a sentence and phrases like "fat lazy cows" to address others is most likely a real stand up person. Maybe you don't know this sweetheart but "NEWS FLASH: you are not the only ones on the road"

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I've found Eastern Shore drivers to be pretty bad, just in different ways.

    April 21, 2017 at 1:46 PM

    yeah, they don't handle criticism very well

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Get over yourself 835. The intersection is too damn narrow and poorly controlled. Keep your nastiness to yourself.

    April 21, 2017 at 9:39 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:35 is one of those idiots that sits at the intersection and puts her turn signal on at the last minute and jams everyone up. I mean, anyone who uses "OMG" to start a sentence and phrases like "fat lazy cows" to address others is most likely a real stand up person. Maybe you don't know this sweetheart but "NEWS FLASH: you are not the only ones on the road"

    April 21, 2017 at 1:33 PM

    Who are the real 'nasty idiots'?

    Since you want to predict, I predict you two are non driving road ragers. I bet I am closer to my prediction than either of you.

  26. Church Street and Truitt intersection never got a traffic light back after a severe windstorm years back.Only a blinking light is there now.Apparently the powers that be decided the traffic light was not necessary,but in the years since the light accident #s quadrupled.People just don't have the discretion to negotiate a blinking light and the citizens are scared to death to challenge it.

  27. 255, if blinking lights scare you, please stay off the roads!


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