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Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Daytime break-in on Rockawalkin Rd in Hebron

Joe my neighbor's house was broken into this afternoon, they come in under the house and cut a hole in the floor to gain access. No one was at home at the time which is likely a good thing for the Perps.

Some blood samples were recovered, maybe this person will be apprehended soon.

We live in some trying times, thanks Joe.


  1. Please try speaking english. Description? Address? Vehicle?

  2. That's a new one...and with a crawl space that isn't secure, makes me think. Also could turn into a game like wack a mole if someone actually is home.

  3. 12:07, could you be any more dense? NO ONE WAS HOME! Is that ENGLISH enough for you ?????

    1. Exactly. And further more the caption says "Daytime break-in on ROCKAWALKIN RD IN HEBRON". And has the never to ridicule someone else, smh

  4. Someone went thru our cars last night in Harbor Points. Glove compartments were emptied on front seat of 2 cars.

    1. 8:32. LOCK YOUR CAR!!!

    2. 9 times out of 10 we do! Nothing noticeable was stolen.

  5. WARNING TO DAYTIME ROBBERS: I do not answer my door to no one I do not know. Next if you chose to break in, at that point I will be in fear of my life for many reasons. I will lay low until we have face to face/ barrel contact and then I will pull the trigger on my 12ga pump with 3" 00 Buck. That's 15 pellets at one time in your head, neck and/or upper body. That's almost equivalent to being shot 15 times with a small caliber handgun. You will never rob again. You can knock on my door or ring my doorbell but do NOT break in.

    1. 10:01 Who the hell are you hiding from??

    2. Ok Mr. Daytime Basass, shouldn't you be at work during the day? If not, are you ALWAYS home so that you can "neutralize" these intruders and protect your property? You sound ridiculous. Nobody believes your "tough" talk. Go back to bed slappy.

  6. to 12:07 They came in. Are you happy? Do you have any better of a life than the day time robbers? You must be a leftie liberal english teacher who has children on drugs. I am not the person who posted this... just another reader who is tired of people like you.

  7. Good luck getting by the dogs

  8. cut a hole in the floor??
    no one would just decide 'hey, lets break into this house...but lets go in thru the floor!'
    any guns taken??
    had to be an inside job...

  9. We are desperate times people and people are becoming more and more desperate and willing to do most anything to get what you own.

  10. hmmm, i'm sure the kops are right on this. came and took a report right? now all we gotta do is wait for them to turn themselves in!

  11. 11:04 you are really competing with 12:07 for logic but at least you're not rude. What, exactly, would an inside job at residence be? And if I wanted to get into a house thru the crawlspace, cutting a hole in the floor would be the least of my worries.

  12. 10:07 Yep, college educated and making over 100k per year working from home. Now get back to work at walmart you hillbilly.

  13. 12:07 You're a rude dude.

  14. 1:21 Bible thumpers, Electric co scam artist etc. Not hiding, I just value my time and property.

  15. 12:39 FYI I have never worked at Walmart. You are going to have to make a lot more than 100K per year to be in my league. Now get back to work.

  16. 10:33 But you are still a hillbilly.


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