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Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Letter From Bernie Sanders

With Trump's election, we live in a pivotal moment in American history. This country will either move in the direction of an authoritarian government where the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer, or we will successfully fight back and build a strong grassroots movement to create a government which represents all of us, not just Donald Trump and others in the billionaire class.

That's the struggle we now face. No one can sit on the sidelines. Not now. The only way we win is when we stand together and fight back. I need your help to do that.

The bad news is that Trump's agenda – huge tax breaks for billionaires, enormous increases in military spending, massive cuts in health care and programs that protect the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor, horrific attacks on environmental protection and scapegoating the immigrant community – constitutes the most reactionary set of policies in the modern history of our country.

The good news is that the resistance to this extremist Trump/Republican agenda is growing rapidly. We saw that as millions participated in the Women's March in January. We saw that as hundreds of thousands attended rallies and town meetings in February and March to successfully defeat the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and throw 24 million Americans off of their health insurance. We are seeing that now as people across the country are mobilizing for Green Day events to take on the fossil fuel industry, combat climate change and transform our energy system to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

When we launched our presidential campaign two years ago, I told you that victory would require the active participation of millions of Americans in every community across the country. That it would require nothing short of a political revolution to combat the demoralization so many feel about the political process. That's what I believed then. That's what I believe now. And that's what I am attempting to do.

During the last several months I have visited a number of states where Donald Trump won. My message: working people must not support a president and a party beholden to powerful special interests and the top 1 percent. We cannot support a party which wants to divide us up by race, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

I was in Wisconsin where progressives are determined to overcome the Trump victory in that state and elect candidates who, in 2018, will stand with working people and not the 1 percent. I was in Kansas where, in one of the most conservative states in the country, over 5,000 people attended a progressive rally in Topeka. I was in Mississippi, a state today heavily dominated by the Republican Party, where brave workers in the auto industry are fighting for a union. I was in West Virginia, where Trump won a landslide victory, but where many people are beginning to rethink the wisdom of that decision.

And next week I am going back on the road, visiting areas of the country often ignored by Democrats. I will be in Maine, Kentucky, Florida, Nevada, Nebraska, Utah and Arizona. I will be talking about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that we face and the need for the rich to start paying their fair share of taxes. I will discuss the Medicare-for-all, single-payer legislation that I will soon be introducing. I will urge people to join the Fight for $15 minimum wage struggle to make sure all Americans enjoy a living wage. I will ask people across the country to help us create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. I will explain the need to aggressively move forward for comprehensive immigration reform and why we must immediately fix our broken criminal justice system.

But I can’t do it alone.

Please attend the rallies in your area. Please work with me to revitalize American democracy and advance the political revolution.

Like I said from the beginning, our political revolution was never about one candidate. It was about creating a mass movement for real change in this country. That's the struggle we began. That's the struggle we'll continue. No turning back now.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


  1. Why don't we go in our Trump shirts screaming and fighting like the snowflakes do at our events.

  2. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

  3. Entitlements for all! Let's make everything free. Tax the dirty rotten business owners until they go out of business.

  4. No, let the government take over business so that it can be fair to all and be run much more efficiently than private entities ever could. And then go to the soup line and get me a sammich. (What?! They only have soup?! But that's not what they promised us!)

  5. Bernie Sanders, his initials are BS! Any questions?

  6. What a poor, pitiful old dude. Retire from whatever your cause is you pathetic old man and treat yourself to a haircut, hippy days are in the past like yourself.

  7. Wa, Wa, Boo Hoo, Loser.

  8. Bernie forgets that he supports the Party of Liberal Jim which cheated him (Bernie) out of the nomination SMH

  9. Take a look at the lifestyles of all our lawmakers and tell me if they match your own. They don't have to follow most of the laws they pass. I'm not saying I agree with Bernie's political aspirations but I do respect what he has done for our country and what he has stood up for and gone to jail for while the rest of us sat at home pretending sharing internet stories would make a difference.

  10. This guy is so full of BS. Tell me Bernie how did you only pay a 13.5% tax rate? What happened to paying your fair share?

  11. I think Schmuck Bernie Sanders should sell all of his five houses, donate ALL of HIS income to the U.S. government, sell any other assets he has, go on welfare, get his snap card, and live in public housing (but of course keep working for the United States Citizens). After he does that for a few years, I guarantee that his thinking about sharing the wealth will change.
    What a hypocrite, he talks the talk because it make money for HIM. All the liberals are the same, they know that the things that are NOT good enough for them ARE good enough for everyone else !!!

  12. Hey bernie, the rich got richer under 0bama!!

  13. Where was Bernie commenting about Obama's "fair share" plan. The rich got richer including Obama / Michelle / the rich and Politians. I got screwed along with the lower middle class tax payer. We never got our fair share, even received no SSI cola. Bernie again shows how 2 faced he is. Typical Politian.

  14. As a 1% somehow he only paid 13 percent in taxes, collects ss, writes off all his homes and wanted to raise OUR taxes to 70 percent and take away mortgage write offs.. Then he supported clinton AFTER he finds out the DNC conspired against him... Bernie you lost, your a fake hack and you will NEVER be president.

  15. Bernie belongs in an insane asylum

  16. It would be the best thing for the Republican Party....have Bernie and Hilary run against Trump again.....tell them to keep watching those polls!!!! LOL Ha Ha Ha

  17. 5:13
    Doubt we have to be concerned with the sky falling, it is still there after the last eight years of beatings and torture. No chance it it coming down now under the good POTUS, it must be a permanent fixture. Lol


  18. Multiple houses and railing like he's for 'the little guy'!

    BS = Bernie Sanders = BS


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