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Sunday, April 02, 2017

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-27-17

Unsolicited Newspapers, call it what it is; LITTERING! They blow all over the place, so having the "do not deliver" is easy to get out of. 

It's littering, Greg Bassett, and littering is punishable by a fine of $500- $1500 for each house you commit the crime at! And on the street as well! Jake Day and his City Minions need to stop taking Greg's bribes and grow a pair. L I T T E R I N G !!!!! 

Same out here in the County, Greg, and I'll have Bob Culver inform you of that as well!


  1. I really wish they would stop throwing that crap in my driveway. We should get their address and throw them all back into their driveway

  2. There are 3 papers clogged in the water drain on our street at this moment. So I should call Bob Culver?

  3. Have you ever watched them deliver these advertisers? They ride through the neighborhood at an unsafe speed and toss them anywhere and everywhere. They land on my driveway 1 out of 10 times.
    What gives them the rights to do that? I can't market my business that way.

  4. They litter our neighborhood

  5. I have called and e-mailed both the Salisbury Independent and the Wicomico Weekly to ask that they stop delivering to my house. It took some work the first time, but it finally stopped. However, sometimes it starts up again - I don't know if they get new drivers or they just decide to start up again - and I have to call all over again. It is SO frustrating! I can't stand the feel of a newspaper, and I hate that the print comes off on my hands, not to mention that I have to throw the blasted things in the trash. I just don't understand who decided to deliver them to everyone! Junk mail is bad enough, but at least it's in my mailbox and not laying out in the elements to either end up as a drenched plastic bag with the paper in it or to blow around the street. I think you should have to request receipt of both papers, not just automatically get them. Just another one of life's little annoyances, but it's a terrible waste of paper and delivery time.

  6. Nanticoke is a mess , papers all over the ground in front of empty houses and in the streets.

  7. I agree...can't stand it!

  8. Here's what I've said recently with our elected officials.

    For example: In Ocean City the Coastal Dispatch, Worcester County Times, Beachcomber, OC Today and so forth are at most any business throughout the area. You have the CHOICE to take, (for free) any one of these papers and trust me, they go very fast.

    People should have the choice and NOT have them shoved down their throats. I also believe these papers become desirable.

    I have recommended to Wicomico County Officials that they follow the same legislation as Worcester County so this mess/litter will stop.

    I truly do not feel it will hurt any paper worthy of quality. There are simply far too many vacant properties throughout the City/County where these papers build up and SOMEONE has to clean it up.

    We'll see if the County Council and Executive make changes to this legislation, or simply create legislation to stop this mess.

  9. If I catch the drivers throwing them out I tell them, do not throw that trash in my yard any more. It will stop for a while, but always starts up again. I am so sick of this trash I could scream. Put your stupid bird cage liners in the stores, if people want them, they will pick them up, just quit the littering.

  10. I had a friend that got paid to deliver these papers and he only delivered to the ones that requested do not deliver because they would call and complain and that way they knew he was delivering when really he was taking the the papers to recycle bins

  11. I called the Daily Times 5 weeks in a row to cancel their weekly paper. The 5th week I told them if they threw it on my property one more time my next call would be to the Sheriff's Dept. to press charges for littering. I haven't received it since. It does however continue to litter the street I live on where they throw it in the gutter instead of people's driveways.

  12. I called them up on the phone and told them to stop sending me these papers. I called more than once. I no longer receive this because I told them I knew where there office was and I was going to personally deliver the paper back to them the same way they throw theirs in my yard. Deliveries stopped!

  13. Just this past week they were in front of every house on South Division Street in the street.

  14. To everyone stating and or thinking they can simply call and cancel these papers...

    The point should be, WHY should every resident be subjected to receiving something they DO NOT WANT?

    These papers sell ads and state they deliver around 10,000 papers per week. Funny how the majority of them end up in bundles at many recycling bins.

    It's a Good Ol' Boy system when it comes to legislators. Like anything else, you either earn their business or you shouldn't be subjected to having it shoved down your throat.

    Clearly people are fed up with these papers and the mass majority do not want them. So how on God's Green Earth is there no legislation to stop this, especially when there's a solution like Worcester County does.

  15. Good luck! I have contacted Sam Oradat of Daily Times. He is the news paper distribution supervisor. I have given him so many chances. Lot of smoke. My latest contact was a message approx. a week ago, with no response. HE NEEDS TO GO! Supervisor my you know what!

  16. If everyone goes to their office and sends them a personal deliver, I am certain this will stop. Do a drive by and throw these papers in their parking lot. I think they will get the message load and clear!

  17. I agree this is a total mess the way these papers are being distributed. I pick them up and throw them out from neighbors yards who aren't home every week.
    But, with that said, we like getting them, as dumped the Daily times, and Comcast. So this is a free way to get news.
    They need to be forced to put up boxes or something to those who want it. But with that said, we aren't paying for it!

  18. This papers are a problem that I've had to deal with too. I am disabled and it's a chore to make it to the mail box daily. This one bothers me as much as the papers. I go out there only after seeing the delivery being made and it's a piece of junk mail. My hearing is fine, guess when you are a certain age you are considered deaf. Get mail every week from those companies. I have talked with the mail person, but I guess being the senders have paid for bulk mailing, it has to be delivered. Especially hateful when raining and you get geared for the run, just to get trash. I'm not for a bunch of new laws, but it should be unlawful to receive unwanted mail also.

  19. OK...question....where do they print these papers? if I can get the address...I am sure everyone in my neighborhood will save theirs for me and I can drop them in mass in front of their driveway.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I called them up on the phone and told them to stop sending me these papers. I called more than once. I no longer receive this because I told them I knew where there office was and I was going to personally deliver the paper back to them the same way they throw theirs in my yard. Deliveries stopped!

    March 27, 2017 at 8:44 AM

    Please post their address.

  21. They work great as fire starters for my fire pit. Also as a charcoal starting in my charcoal chimney.

  22. its littering if you don't walk your lazy a$$ down the driveway and pick it up and throw it away if you don't want to read it. Quit your bitchin'.

  23. Here is the address:
    618 Beam St.
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    (410) 749-7171

  24. Go to their office, open the door, and throw the papers back to them.

  25. They don't print them there. They're printed in Wilmington. But Beam Street seems like a good place to do a dump as it would get more local attention.

    My street is about 80% transient rental and these things are everywhere in front yards, sidewalks, gutters and the street.

    It's time for local government to do some thinking about this, because everyone knows where the mayor and council members live. Their yards neighborhoods could be targets of some peaceful protest, too. Maybe that's what it will take, rather than going after the newspaper distributor, who doesn't seem to care enough to see what it's doing and put a stop to it.

  26. I found one of these papers in my yard today at lunch. I will will be paying Beam street a visit tonight! Right off of Emerson Avenue in Salisbury. Hope others do the same to send a message to them.
    I've already called them twice before to tell them to stop throwing this in my yard. Now it's my turn to repay the favor!

  27. We live in a housing development and have drains in the streets. These newspapers with plastic covers wash down the drains and clog them. We don't need this happening. It is costly to dig up and clean these drains. I am for picking up all these papers and delivering to Beam Street. Maybe they will get the message.

  28. Greg and company are trying to bolster their circulation by throwing free papers and littering the neighborhoods. This is how he sells display ads to local and national vendors. It's a cheap ploy because most of these papers end up in dumpsters unread, the advertising dollars are trashed with it, except for where they line Bassett's deep pockets. To be honest, I read one and it's all full of garbage. Powerpuff, feel good stories about Greg's little buddies. Nothing of any substance. Oh, wait, pretty much like the Daily Mistake when he was executive editor. What am I thinking? Old tired dog, old tired tricks. Nothing new to see here.

  29. Littering is what the recipients of the unsolicited newspapers do with them. Throwing them in the street is no better than the one that threw it in your yard.


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