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Saturday, April 29, 2017

7-Eleven Clerk Shoots, Kills Robbery Suspect While on Smoke Break

A 7-Eleven clerk who stepped outside for a smoke break Monday ended up in a gun fight that cost a robbery suspect his life.

The incident occurred in St. Louis around 3:50 a.m.

According to the New York Post, the 35-year-old female clerk stepped outside for a cigarette and an armed suspect allegedly approached and tried to rob her. The female clerk pulled her own gun and the two exchanged fire, with the clerk “[shooting] the [suspect] in the chest, arm, and thigh.”

The suspect–identified only as a 30-year-old male–died later at St. Louis University Hospital.



  1. Yes, Missouri just passed their concealed carry and this is the effect. It would certainly make robbers and other criminals think twice before approaching anyone, especially women, to do their evil deeds. Good for her. Glad she prevailed against criminal tyranny.

  2. Glad she prevailed against criminal tyranny.

    April 29, 2017 at 2:11 PM

    It's tyranny when only the bad guys have guns. It's freedom when we all have guns.

  3. Thank God she was a smoker.

  4. One less dirtball, one more giant step for humanity!

  5. Wanna bet the mainstream media or Obama ever mention this?

  6. Was in the news several days before posted on here.

  7. Good for her
    Job well done


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