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Friday, March 17, 2017

Wilders on Eve-of-Vote Debate: 'Political Correctness and Islam Will Destroy Our Nation'

Meeting with the leader of the Christian Union in the last televised debate on the eve of Wednesday’s general election, Party For Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders accused his opposite of failing to stand up for Christians, and said resisting Islam was a matter of survival for the Netherlands.

In the format of the election debate, which saw a number of short rounds of discussion between the leaders of the many political parties contesting Wednesday’s election, Mr. Wilders was allowed to introduce a motion which would then be debated. Revealing he had selected to discuss Islam, Wilders said he’d picked the topic not out of a lack of respect for his opponent, or that he was trying to trip him up, but given it was the last televised debate before the polls opened he thought it should be on the most important topic facing the Netherlands today.



  1. It will only get worse until the righteous of nations take up arms and fight back.

  2. Muslims abide by the method of quietly taking over civilized nations by slithering in and multiplying as fast as possible along with massive immigration of their relatives. They are as law abiding and quiet as possible during this stage. Once they reach a point where they are close to the majority is when the radicals take the lead and force their savagery on the people who first accepted them into their land. This is what has happened in Europe and is starting in America.
    I have to laugh when I see the gay segment of our population support Muslim immigration because we all know what Muslims do to homosexuals in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the other Muslim majority countries.


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