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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Wicomico County Council Legislative Session, March 2, 2017


  1. Is this Station 1 group for real? How are they going to improve the services I already receive? This has to be the most delusional bunch ever! I can only see my County tax dollars wasted on a group that wants to go out on their own because they don't want to play.by anyone's rules but their own. Someone should tell their spokesman what happens when one assumes things like he does. It makes an ass out of u and me!

  2. No Eric Cramer you are wrong you fat slob. The County would not be funding an extra station. They would continue funding for the volunteers at Station 1 and no additional funding would go to the City for a station without volunteers.

    As a matter of fact since the volunteers are not being utilized at the Salisbury Fire Department, ie. Stations 1, 2, and 16 the County Funding needs to discontinue immediately. Per order of Rick Hoppes, Darrin Scott and John Tull the 911 Center is only alerting the duty crew tones so no Volunteers are used any longer by choice of Fatso Hoppes. That is enough reason to stop funding effective immediately.

    Now while your lazy a$$ isn't doing anything maybe you and Fatso Hoppes can hike over to that multimillion dollar Gym & Spa at Station 16 and hop on that Treadmill to lose some of that excess poundage.

  3. I do support the volunteers for this issue. It's time for the city fire dept. to show us what they can do without them. It appears to me that the paid people are afraid if this should happen, will they have to do a little more work as they should. Yes it's time for a separation and it's time for the salisbury fire dept. to stop the BS . The volunteers will bring new and needed
    competition in this field , this is healthy for them and the community . Response time will be better , use of equipment will be better (no need for engines when an ems is needed). The city fire dept has grown into a liberal mess with the help of Day and associates.

    1. Been "doing it without them" for the last 5 years.

  4. WOW, the City wants a complete monopoly. Isn't that great and wouldn't all business owners love to have the same where no other same type of business can open in their area.

    Look, it is the City who has flat out REFUSED to respect the Volunteers in this very case. The Volunteers offered mediation, the City refused.

    The Volunteers are the backbone of this Station 1. The $100,000.00 is the key here Ladies & Gentlemen. The City does NOT want to lose that funding, as well as additional funding they get, (up to almost $1,000,000.00) if the County were to break away from the City.


    Fortunately in this case, Volunteers, (43 of them) are willing to continue to serve, use a great portion of funds they already get and the City also wants to take away the "Lacy" funding from the Volunteers.

    You should also know that the City is asking for ALL of the money going out to the County Fire Departments, it's unbelievable.

    This County Council and Executive need to break away from the City as in right now. Mayor Tilghman, Ireton and Day have proven for almost 20 years that they refuse to work with the County, unless they have complete control. Because of this, you can only expect their billing to increase. Heck, they even want SPECIAL FUNDING for high speed water rescue and all kinds of additional funding requests no one has ever heard of before and certainly NOT something the County requires.

    The Volunteers from Station 1 have created the "Perfect Storm" and Wicomico County needs to take advantage of their position right here and now.

  5. Joe - agree completely with your 7:14 comment. In so many ways, the County needs to break from the City. The City is a disgrace and we don't need to support their downfall with another penny. Let them fail, then Culver can lead the transition to county police and fire and no duplication of services. The time has come.

  6. It is incredible to see the story line continue as if these rogue volunteers are marching on to success. Behind the scenes a deal has already been struck in principle and soon signed. Yesterdays work session was a courtesy to pacify the volunteers in question and served to expose a Hodge Podge plan at best. Within the volunteers camp their leaders are stating that the plan will not fly. The Big question for me as a county taxpayer is where will the money go ? Several hundred thousand dollars of tax dollars appropriated to Station 1 for operational use has walked away for this bunch to throw away. The county should demand an audit and disperse the money to our county stations in a one time bonus.

  7. Take it all and put it under county control. Enough with this decades-long bickering and wasting of our tax dollars.

  8. The county needs to handle their own enough of this city BS. Now is the time so the city will stop stealing the county funds.

  9. This county and city going back and fourth year after year is getting old . It's time to draw a line and be done with this. County needs to cut funds from the city and allow these firefighters to run . If need to be build two other fire houses to house the other two stations . City needs to worry about city only and county need to worry about county . Stop funding the city for fire ems response . The other county stations do just fine. This shouldnt even be a issue . Strip the city of the funds allowed to them for that station and hand it over to the station and be done . This is ridiculous the city has been playing the county for years to pay for there wasteful spending .

  10. Everyone seems to forget that the city is inside the county. City residents also pay county taxes.

  11. That is correct 3:52, but the City chose to have a paid Department, so the funding should be on the City taxpayers.

    1. Then give back the taxes they pay. The portion that is supposed to go towards the fire department. That would be about a million dollars.

  12. I listened to the council session and could see points on both sides. Would have been nice if things had been settled before it got to this point. Do we really have the funds to run another fire house, do we have enough people to run another fire house. I thought when we closed the one downtown it was because it was no longer needed that was just a couple of years ago. We did not need the new and larger fire boat, the previous one mostly picked up bodies in the Wicomico River. Also the fancy vehicles for fire chiefs and such we are not Baltimore yet, we do not have anything like the Inner Harbor just $ spent to try to make it one> All I see honestly is waste and more waste.

    1. The end is perfect. Now has anyone looked at the city code for the volunteers in the city? Not the charter it has two very small points. The code and how it pertains to the volunteers allocation of county funds. The expenditure of these monies will be done by an executive board, comprised of the asst chief of each volunteer station in the city and the volunteer deputy chief. Now how do these positions get appointed? Oh, the chief appoints them. So, if you don't let the chief get his toys then he replaces you with someone that will. This should be a concern!

    2. Also the assistant chief of each station dose not have the power to spend that money. That money that gets spent must come from a vote not one person.


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