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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Where is the America in which I grew up?

America's loss of innocence is a result of the public's growing realization of the deep state, media bias and university brainwashing. Will things change?

Joe David, 20/03/17 13:05

The America I knew growing up is rapidly disappearing. Law and order is being replaced by mob rule. A madness has claimed the country, introduced in recent years by hate groups who are dedicated to using violent protests to cause political instability. In a frenzy of madness, often triggered by just an innuendo, these groups want to crush all opposition to their agenda. For astute observers of our culture, this doesn’t come as a surprise. Our great universities, which were once citadels of reason, a safe place for open discourse, have abandoned both – and they have become instead centers for cultivating insurrection, with minimal tolerance for truth and clear thinking.

As a result of the events in the last eight years, I have come to the conclusion that my beloved country – the land of liberty, once ruled by freedom of speech, law and order, and a constitutional government – is being irreparably compromised by rebellion. In just a matter of a few years, many Americans have tossed aside sense and have joyfully embraced mob violence (examples, Berkeley University, inauguration riots, Michael Savage attack, and much, much more). The lessons in history on the fall of great nations have all been ignored – for those lucky enough to have once learned these lessons in school.

For the complete article, visit: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/20296


  1. When you only read news sites like infowars you are well aware of all the crazy things that go on. If your a liberal and only watch cnn then you are brainwashed.

  2. The America I grew up in started the route to destruction in the 60s & 70s with the flower power, love child and commune movements. That is when America took its route to a "Socialist Democratic" movement. Ever since then Politians took this movement and refined it with more socialist, "free", programs and the population became followers instead of independent thinkers.

  3. The mob violence is going to shock the living heck out of these losers when the targets of their insults and violence decide to be a mob, too.
    Block the interstate? get shot. Start looting stores? get shot.
    Pull old people from their cars to beat them up for voting? get shot.
    Pretty soon, OUR mob violence will stop the mob violence.
    I'm pretty sure that these sissy, cross-dressing ninnies don't really understand what real violence looks like.
    Don't you effeminate girlies let things get too far out of hand. Know what I'm saying?


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