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Sunday, March 26, 2017

What's Happening? 3-22-17

What is happening in the area?  The good, the bad and the ugly


  1. Chicken and dumplings Delmar VFW, Sunday March 26 noon to 4:00
    $12.00 per dinner includes desert.

  2. Just in Ca rep nunes just stated that trump campaine was under surveliance.

    1. Just seen this rep nunes stated that trump and his team where being investigated from election day to innuguration day .

  3. Tomorrow DQ is giving away Pup Cups - mini ice cream cups for your furry friend!

  4. Main Street is still closed.

  5. Good - Mike Mike Mike - Guess what day it is?
    Bad - STILL 2 days until TGIF..
    Ugly - Terror in London.

    Damn Shame.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just in Ca rep nunes just stated that trump campaine was under surveliance.

    March 22, 2017 at 1:42 PM

    old news. that was proven long ago.

    1. old news it just came out TODAY ??????

  7. Good,Trump in office, bad, Dan Satterfield is still on tv , ugly Nancy Pelosi

  8. Watching CNN pukes staying away from the england terror attacks and blasting trump.

    1. where is the new london muslim mayor ?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    old news it just came out TODAY ??????

    March 22, 2017 at 4:25 PM

    that particular story might have just come out today but the facts about the "wiretapping" have been out for at least a few days. Joe has even posted them on this blog.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    old news it just came out TODAY ??????

    March 22, 2017 at 4:25 PM

    Joe decided not to publish my earlier answer but yes, old news. Whatever you watched is behind the curve.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    old news it just came out TODAY ??????

    March 22, 2017 at 4:25 PM

    scroll down to Joe's 1145 post to start with. then search some more of Joe's posts from earlier. then google. not trying to take ur thunder but it's common knowledge now that Trump's campaign was "wiretapped".

  12. SAD TRUTH! Homes built as "custom homes" homes that are 15 years old and would cost $150-$160/ sq ft to build at todays rates are being sold for $110-$115/ sq ft. These a well built homes updated with all he current bells and whistles. Some people would respond "Oh well that's what they get for building a big, nice home! The other people will tell you these are not 5-6000 sq ft "Marsh Mansions" when in fact the houses are 2-3000 sq ft homes built in such a way as to maintain it's value or possibly by a divine movement in the market create some equity. The working class families who work hard, pay exorbitant property taxes to the
    state of Maryland, Wicomico Co. & if you're really the unlucky type you pay Maryland & the city of Smallsbury! These are the people that shoulder the largest portion of the burden for Wicomico County! Why is this important to you it's the last gasp of a dying Wicomico County and you will see it happen in coming months if the POTUS doesn't resurrect our economy in this country the Eastern Shore will become a ghost town!

    1. It does not help that City and County officisls have created and tolerated avalue sucking, time and money wasting, job destroying, old boy benefiting Circus!

  13. Trying to decide if I want to turn my ex-husband into the police once and for all. He has committed crimes and I had to overlook them because of threats....I don't worry about that any longer.

  14. 11:21 has most divorce locals crapping their camo underwear right about now!


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