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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

What People are Saying on Twitter...

What some people are saying in the Twitter World!


  1. Democrats were the huge losers for the night. Can't imagine why.

  2. the stock market loves trump

  3. The Democratic Party died last night.

    IF the stock market tanks (because it looks like a huge bubble right now), can President Trump hold on? I pray so, because it was predicted it would tank long before he won the presidency...It wouldn't be his doing...Pray for our nation and our President.

  4. CNN's Van Joes, probably Trumps biggest critic employed by the network, said that "if he can do that over and over again, he will be the President for the next 8 years." I mean what else is there to say, he made an impression. If he can turn the tide with this gentleman, then he can flip anyone to believe in him.

  5. New George Soros PAC "we will vote you out"going against any democrats who work with president Trump,crazy s#$%!

  6. Democrat party died and from the looks on their faces, they know it. They're done.


  7. " BREAKING: Results of CNN/ORC poll of speech watchers of Trump's speech: 78% had positive response. 21% had negative response. #TRUMPADDRESS
    — Sam Feist (@SamFeistCNN) March 1, 2017 "

    That 21% are illegals

  8. The Dems wouldn't be able to recognize an American Constitutionalist candidate among them to run for POTUS. You know why??? There are none.

    They would have to get a Republican or Independent to fill the bill!

  9. MSM is trying to brain wash you

  10. The Dumbacrats prey on the poor, the uneducated, they have always say they help the poor and guess what they are still poor

  11. Find it interesting that people on the whole are getting the clue that media is not their friend or is looking out for them. People are turning to Twitter and blogs to get news because between lying Democrats and their buddies in newsrooms, the truth is buried. A prime example is the situation with the alleged serial rapes going on around the Salisbury area. If we are to believe Day and his gang of thieves, there's no crime here at all but in a few posts up, it says we are 2 on a scale to 100 of being a not so hot place to live due to crime. Just wondering how many more will have to occur before local law & government fesses up and spills the goods or is it going to take AG Sessions to step in and give up the real deal. Either scenario is not idea but the latter beats the hell out of the sham show thats going on right now.


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