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Thursday, March 02, 2017

We Need To Treat This Crisis The Exact Same Way We Would Treat Any Other State Emergency


  1. spend spend spend?????

  2. 7:36 maybe it will reduce the level of junkies coming in for free treatment and spending on methadone programs

  3. Another cushy job with high salary and many perks for Mr. Stamp
    Wonder if he is still getting his County paycheck too...

  4. They need to bring in Sheriff Mike Lewis to help them fix this problem. If anyone can fix it he can.

  5. Their only treating the symptoms and not the cause. They ignore the cause and create more symptoms. And you and I will pay so they can play their hat trick games.

  6. Hogan has let me down.

  7. The above comments were obviously made by a bunch if imbeciles. Unfortunately, such ignorant fools are not hard to come by in this town.

  8. 1:45, Are you volunteering? Or it's just obvious it's normal for you.

  9. Anonymous said...

    1:45, Are you volunteering? Or it's just obvious it's normal for you.

    March 2, 2017 at 7:23 PM

    Yes, I do volunteer, I donate my time every week to help those afflicted with the disease of addiction. What do you do besides not know how to construct a proper sentence?


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