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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Was Obama’s tap of Trump legal, American?

Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals why scandal is 'bigger and worse than Watergate'

After Donald Trump blew the whistle on the eavesdropping of his 2016 campaign headquarters by Barack Obama’s administration, few in the media or elsewhere seem to be asking the obvious questions:

Was it legal?

Was it ethical – in the American way?

One thing is for certain: If the roles were reversed and the Trump administration bugged Democrats, you can imagine the media would take a much different view.

Let’s first take a look at how the media reported this travesty of justice, political decorum, the Constitution and American legal tradition:



  1. This is a serious question, why are we giving this so much of our time when there is no proof at all? Should we not be focusing on Obamacare Lite?

  2. You know what? They tried and failed. Now us the same justification to tap the phones and info systems of all politicians in Washington. Lets really find out who is against the American people. GD politicians.

  3. obame wink winked it to be done FACT.

  4. Nixon did far less and was impeached. Obama should be jailed for high crimes and treason against this country along with half of the house and senate as well as the whole Clinton cartel!

  5. It would be illegal if he actually did it. Geez, get a life.

  6. What a waste of time. No proof at all that Obama wire tapped Trump and probably more proof that he didn't. Trump just trying to deflect from his failure to get Obamacare repealed and replaced. Or maybe that his promise that Keystone pipeline would only use US steel pipe has already been broken.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What a waste of time. No proof at all that Obama wire tapped Trump and probably more proof that he didn't. Trump just trying to deflect from his failure to get Obamacare repealed and replaced. Or maybe that his promise that Keystone pipeline would only use US steel pipe has already been broken.

    March 8, 2017 at 4:31 PM

    You need to get out more often. More and more evidence is rolling in everyday that points to obammy having a hand in it. Demoncrat to the core aren't cha?


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