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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

VIDEO: Trump supporters fight back after masked liberals attack man’s wife

Huntington Beach: A pro-Trump rally was underway in California when it was interrupted by masked liberal thugs from leftist turd group known as Antifa. Compromised of weaklings and scaredy-cats, the leftist group swoops in wearing their masks because they’re embarrassed of who they are, and they begin taunting and attacking people at the rally.

One person pepper-sprayed a woman and her husband wasn’t having it. They chased the man down and one man pummeled him into oblivion and they reportedly held him there until police arrived.

Here is video footage from the event and the butt whooping that the masked jerk received after his unwanted actions at a pro-Trump rally.


1 comment:

  1. How much are these d'wads being paid to harass and assault, I wonder, and who's shelling out for paid help?


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