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Friday, March 17, 2017

U.S. Women's Hockey Team Boycotting World Championships To Protest Low Pay

The U.S. Women's National Hockey Team — the reigning world champions — won't be defending their title this year. They're boycotting the championships as a protest against USA Hockey, citing stalled negotiations for "fair wages and equitable support" from the organization.

The U.S. national team is a dominant player in women's ice hockey — they've medaled in all five Olympic Games that featured women's hockey and won the world championships seven times since 2000. (Over the same time frame, the men won two Olympic and two World Championship silvers.)



  1. Who generates more views male of female?

  2. Like Colin Kapernick, the statement will be much larger than its effect. I forgot women played ice hockey. Sorry, ladies...no one cares if you skip the event. You're only hurting yourselves. Try marching with pussy-hats...might be more effective.

  3. I'm boycotting because I am being paid very little for my comedy show.

  4. Who would even care?

  5. 9:20
    Nobody is watching

  6. This is less about equality and more about simple economics. People enjoy watching male athletes perform more than they enjoy female athletes. In turn the male athletes generate more revenue, which leads to higher salaries. It is the same thing for the Women's soccer team. They perform much better than their male counterparts as far as success goes. But the Men's team and World Cup is viewed much more world wide, therefore they get paid more.

    The same can't be said for the normal workplace environment. That is a different story. But in regards to athletics and pure revenue, men bring in more money. It is just the way it is.

  7. Are we really having this conversation again? The only reason the female counter part to any sport exists is because of title 9. This equality fanasty has destroyed real athletics at actual universities. SU had a nationally competitive Wrestling program producing national champions. Title 9 made that disappear. SU didn't even replace it with a women's sport. They just looked at the ration and cut wrestling because the budget couldn't support another sport at the time. Ron Otto out of a job. Collegiate athletes of the highest caliber robbed of the opportunity to compete or forced to transfer.

    I am sick of this feminist B.S. We are allowing these people to warp reality.

    NO BODY GIVES A F--K ABOUT WOMENS HOCKEY!!!!! Go ahead and cut off your nose to spite your face. You just freed up a spot on ESPN the Ocho. Back to dodge ball.

  8. And nobody cares because only there parents watch.

  9. Here is a good question for you: How many Women's NCAA March Madness Brackets did you fill out???? I am willing to bet that number is zero. Again that is not to dismiss women athletes, but the product is not as enticing as the male product when it comes to competition in athletics.


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