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Friday, March 24, 2017

United Nations: Regulating ‘Hate’ Speech ‘Not an Attack on Free Speech’

The United Nations marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Tuesday by telling governments around the world that regulating “hate speech” is part of the strategy needed to “stand up for someone’s rights.”

Governments around the world “have a legal obligation to stop hate speech and hate crimes,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein reportedly said Tuesday, adding a call “on people everywhere to ‘stand up for someone’s rights,'” the press release about the event said.

“It is not an attack on free speech or the silencing of controversial ideas or criticism, but a recognition that the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities,” Al Hussein said in a statement.

“Words of fear and loathing can, and do, have real consequences,” Zeid said.

In his statement, Zeid said that U.N. member states “do not have any excuse to allow racism and xenophobia to fester.”

More here


  1. My size 13 is waiting for these snowflakes tick tock.

  2. Commie fools.

    Regulating %%%% speech.

    Just take the word "Hate" out which can be defined by the perspective of the observer and all you're left with is regulating speech.


  3. The only problem with this is .....
    WHO gets to decide what "speech" is hateful?
    Hint; it ain't YOU.

    It's the same thing with people who say they don't worry about being watched, recorded, and photographed. They don't mind their mail being photographed (front and back) before they are allowed to have it. Nazi checkpoints, where armed agents LOOK for POSSIBLE crimes (and will kill you for not "complying")? No problem.
    Because, in their own words, they aren't doing anything wrong.
    The same thing people in Germany, Italy, China, and Russia said.
    THEN, they were killed. SOMEONE ELSE decided what was right or wrong and they landed on the wrong end of that decision.
    That, for some reason, never occurs to these holier than thou, sanctimonious, pillars of perfection.
    They all believed that the men in power always had their best interest at heart. Millions upon millions went to their grave wondering why it was happening to them.
    They weren't doing anything wrong......

    Keep cheering!

  4. There is no place in the UN for any of American values, they're against our gun rights and free speech!

  5. I'll still call them what I want and when I want to and they all can kiss my a--!

  6. Years ago there were bumper stickers sayin, "Get US out of the UN", it was a bad deal in the past, and still is. Trump needs to de-fund it all together!


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