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Thursday, March 16, 2017

UH OH: Look at Who Might Run for President in 2020…

I have heard of a number of Democrats lining up to run in 2020. None of them are a surprise to me. One of the biggest contenders that looks like he is going to throw his hat into the presidency ring is New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He just hired two fundraisers from Florida to help him add to his huge election war chest. It looks to be a sign that he is serious about running in 2020… between that and his heated rhetoric against President Trump, it’s not hard to discern his intentions here.

Cuomo is the poster child for the Nanny State and would be as bad, if not worse, than Barack Obama. One of the fundraising consultants he hired worked for Hillary Clinton… his name is Jon Adrabi. He will plan events and schmooze with Democratic donors. Wooing them for big fat checks. Fundraising event tickets will go for $15,000 a piece. These are wealthy Marxist elitists we are talking about and they are gathering their forces for the next election. No wonder Trump is already campaigning. He saw this coming.



  1. Here we go again!

  2. lol Mr Corrupt along with his pos son on CNN.

  3. Great. The dumbocrats tried the lying crook Hillary, have been thinking about the fraud Pocahontas, and now want to pivot to the mafia tied Cuomo.
    You can't write this stuff

  4. 6:21
    Yes, this is what happens when you have a party that is founded in corruption

  5. Since there is now a huge vacuum at the top of the Democrat party with the Clinton and Obama crowd sidelined, the next presidential election will become a cattle call, much like the past few have form the Republicans. There will be debates and primaries with multiple losers competing for the crown -- Schumer, Cuomo, Booker, O'Malley, Sanders, Warren, to name a few -- maybe even Biden and Van Hollen.

  6. Andrew Cuomo just another liberal POS. Not only does he want the government to control you in every way. He wants to tell you what to eat and drink because you are too stupid to choose for yourself. So stupid wanting to ban sugary drinks. I don't know about you but I don't want anyone telling me what I can eat or drink or when I can go to the bathroom, or how many kids I can have. I am old and had three kids and seven grand kids. I struggled to support them but never ask the government for handouts, never on welfare. I supported my family by working and most of my life I worked two jobs. Just saying I want to be free in America to make my own choices and not live off the government and not have the government telling me what to do in every aspect of my life.

  7. NO fake news in the above statements.


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