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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Two Delmar High School Students Arrested

Two Delmar High School students were arrested yesterday for Terroristic Threats. More to come.

UPDATE: It turns out the student/s had made threats on social media. Law enforcement simply started an investigation, found the evidence to be factual and immediately arrested at least one student on Thursday to assure no students were in any danger at school on Friday.

After investigating it further law enforcement found these students had no access to any materials that could be used in the on line threat. 


  1. And they say salisbury schools are bad

    1. 1:02. THEY ARE BAD!!!

    2. Yes they do so that. Would you care to know why? Because Salisbury schools are horrible.

  2. A nation without God.

    1. Don't be a wanker your whole life. Take a day off.

    2. Well said 4:54. Unfortunately the religious zealots are neither rational nor easily swayed.

    3. I belive in God and he is awesome

  3. No, Salisbury schools are worse.

  4. Anonymous said...
    And they say salisbury schools are bad

    March 24, 2017 at 1:02 PM

    Uh, YEAH!! They are! You never hear about Delmar schools but we hear about the Ghetto Salisbury schools all the time. What is scary is what we don't hear about in Salibury.

    1. Delmar has its ghetto too, it's just more redneck, white trash! Stop being a pot...

  5. The Delmar school "district" should be fairly easy to monitor with only 2 schools.

  6. Those kids who were arrested were probably kicked out of Salisbury schools

  7. Anonymous said...
    Those kids who were arrested were probably kicked out of Salisbury schools

    March 24, 2017 at 3:38 PM

    More than likely and put there by John Fredericksen. He was the reason for the rape at Parkside and other crimes committed against students.

  8. OK folks, this isn't a Delmar thing or a 'bury thing. This happen in schools across the country. It if a fact of life now. When kids are left to their own resources and are not supervised, this s**t will happen. Welcome to 2017, now pull your heads out of your a**es. And it is not a race thing or an income thing. Look at that crap our kids are exposed to today? Show me one Xbox game that DOES NOT include killing people (and FIFA Soccer doesn't count because it is EA's way to pander to the illegals).

    Now, I do agree with everyone on here who say that schools in da 'bury are worse. It wasn't that long ago that Bennett was basically a war zone. And yes, let's not forget about the FOOTBALL player who got to go to Parkside and rape a classmate...in the hallway...during the day. (And my straight A student was told there was no way he could transfer into Parkside by the Assistant Principal, talk about a blessing in disguise).

  9. Are there really adults on here saying "my school is better than your school" what kind of productive conversation is that? All schools have problems (some have worse than others) and for the most part those problems begin in the home and are brought into the school and on any given day your kids and the school administration have no idea how the day will
    unfold. If your school or students have never faced something as horrific as a rape then thank goodness for that, some schools have and there are real victims still dealing with the trauma. So just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't happen. Lets hope that instead of bashing our schools that they join together and share ideas on what has worked and how to prevent something horrific from happening.

  10. It's not the school's it the children who doesn't have any raising nor respect for their parent's and other's!!!!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    And yes, let's not forget about the FOOTBALL player who got to go to Parkside and rape a classmate...in the hallway...during the day. (And my straight A student was told there was no way he could transfer into Parkside by the Assistant Principal, talk about a blessing in disguise).

    March 24, 2017 at 8:53 PM

    What? You afraid your son, the straight A student was going to get raped by a football player?

  12. 12:35 - No you jack wagon. My point was that a school would rather take a thug who plays football than a straight A student who could actually help to bring up their precious standardized test scores (got to get that funding from the state for the football team...)

    The blessing was that he didn't end up in a the TOTALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL Wicomico school system. While his desire was to have the option to chose from more classes to take, he ended up being better off staying where he was.

    But hey, I don't have to worry about it anymore because I have no dog in this fight. Let all the little Eastern Shore thugs kill each other. Social cleansing at the best...Maybe then, the Eastern Shore could be a decent place to visit. Oh wait...no, still have folk like you 12:35...shorebillies.

    Jack wagon...

  13. i was told it was two people, one girl and one boy and in the boys locker they actually found 4 guns.

  14. It's a society thing, where it happens is just geography! The problem with society is that- what has become socially acceptable is morally wrong! Welfare has no color, it is the mind set no different than the self indulgence of the rich! Neither contribute, working class is simply fed up! From BLM, woman's march, protests, uprisings at prisons, illegals, section 8--it's seems like itd just too hard to just be a productive member of society and do your share! I don't care your color, religious affiliation, where you immigrated from or your sexual preferences just don't sit on your ass and collect a check and live off the system! Generations of families legal to this country have made government assistance a life style so much that their kids aspire to be nothing! Counties get more federal dollars to create section 8 and our schools on the shore are warehouses for jobless parents who could care less about the education, hygiene or parenting of their children! Self absorbed, disrespectful and unwillingness to accept personal responsibility are today's social norms-that are being bred and woven into this evolving hate filled world! God help us all!!


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