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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Twitter Just SHREDDED Rachel Maddow Over Trump Tax Return 'Story'

MSNBC's unapologetic liberal “journalist” Rachel Maddow lit the internet on fire Tuesday night when she teased via Twitter that she’d gotten her hands on President Donald Trump’s tax returns – a scoop that would have been pretty juicy, considering Trump never released his tax returns during the presidential campaign as all other modern-era presidents have done.

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC.

— Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) March 14, 2017

If only it'd been true.

What Maddow and the fine folks over at MSNBC actually managed to do was get part of a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return. Which was already 12 years old. And which the White House had already released.

And which the Wall Street Journal had already reported on – a year ago.

Needless to say, the Twittersphere wasn’t all too happy as Maddow droned on...and on...and on during her open monologue, bashing Trump (and throwing out all manner of random, unsubstantiated speculations regarding his finances) without actually giving anyone any new information.



  1. Who watches MSNBC?

  2. Her and Samantha Bee need to be removed

  3. She like liberal elitists feel most liberals and snowflake's are stupid and believe anything she puts out there.

  4. I would like to call her madcow, but really hate insulting any cow.

  5. did u see jakey boy is spending millions on a rt 13 survey lol i wonder what friend of his or liarton got that "contract" ?.

  6. She seems to be the kind of person who would steal your homework.

  7. Let's see Maddow's tax returns. Rumor has it that for the past ten years she's illegally claimed her cats as dependents.

  8. Does she dress to the right or the left?

  9. Releasing a private citizen's (at that time) tax returns?
    Mr. President: Ask that pencil-neck geek to release HER returns, and see what happens.

  10. NPR reported it too this morning as though it were news,

  11. She likes herself more than Bill O'Reilly loves himself. She is so smug and rants on and on.
    If I ever want to lose weight by skipping meals, I watch her. Completely kills my appetite.

  12. Hey, leave her alone! They're therapy cats!😾😾

  13. HE has been and is smoke/mirrors 5 days a week. As Keith O would used to say - HE is the worst person...in...the...WORLD!!!


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