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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Trump earned $153m and paid $36.5m in taxes in 2005

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump earned $153 million and paid $36.5 million in income taxes in 2005, paying a roughly 25 percent effective tax rate thanks to a tax he has since sought to eliminate, according to highly sought-after tax documents disclosed Tuesday night.

The pages from Trump’s federal tax return show the then-real estate mogul also reported a business loss of $103 million that year, although the documents don’t provide detail. The forms show that Trump paid an effective tax rate of 24.5 percent, a figure well above the roughly 10 percent the average American taxpayer forks over each year, but below the 27.4 percent that taxpayers earning 1 million dollars a year average, according to data from the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation.

The form were obtained by journalist David Cay Johnston, who runs a website called DCReport.org, and reported on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show.” Johnston, who has long reported on tax issues, said he received the documents in the mail, unsolicited.

Trump’s hefty business loss appears to be a continued benefit from his use of a tax loophole in the 1990s, which allowed him to deduct previous losses in future years. In 1995, Trump reported a loss of more than $900 million, largely as a result of financial turmoil at his casinos.

Tax records obtained by The New York Times last year showed the losses were so large they could have allowed Trump to avoid paying taxes for up to 18 years. But Trump’s 2005 filing shows another tax prevented him from realizing the full benefit of those deductions.



  1. Did he file a false return or break the law? If not, then it's a non-issue.

  2. So it made it to Rachel's show. Hmmm, wonder what HE spewed on this, twirling HIS hair, rolling HIS eyes, HE is such a sore loserboy! Can't imagine any rating for HIS show on PMSNBC.

  3. At least he paid his taxes, did Al Sharpton???????

  4. He paid most of the $36.5 in AMT and he wants to get rid of the alternative minimum tax which would lower his effective rate to less than 5%. The AMT needs to be adjusted because it hits a lot of small businesses now, but did exactly what it was intended to do in trump's case.

  5. 10:40 his taxes are none of your business. At least he earned the money. Bill, Hillary, Obama, Mochelle et al took theirs

  6. WHY hasnt Al Sharpton been arrested yet ??????????

  7. How much did George Soros pay? He is the most dangerous person to our Democracy.


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