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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

True Recipient of Russian Cash!


  1. Liberal nut jobs will never see it this way!!

  2. It doesn't matter that the Clintons spent the whole wad on attorneys.

  3. The guilt of one does not prove the innocence of the other

    1. your right that's why President Trump is investigating obama. Good the see a legitimate comment.

  4. 4:08
    So are you being paid by Soros or Clinton to make you ridiculous defenses of the Clinton crime network and the attacks on Trump?

    Those deplorables like me in flyover country are wise to you turds.

  5. Why the Hell are Not the damn Clintons Locked up then ???

    They shure as Hell must be FARRRR above the Law !!!!!!!!

  6. Normal people have gone to prison for a Hell of alot less !!

    So sad......No Justice in the USA !!

  7. How the hell can Anyone give or sell Uranium to an enemy
    country ??? A Main element for a Nuclear weapon !!

    Back in the 50's on back, this would be an ELECTRIC Chair
    offense !!! Remember the Rosenbergs ???

  8. She lucky this is not the 40's or 50's .....Period !

  9. It's amazing how Liberals just bypass this whole thing, discounting it as some urban legend. It's the very reason why the Clinton Foundation is being investigated right now. It's a multitude of incidents like this that are all wrapped up in that Foundation which taxpayers paid for most of its beginnings. If people would bother to investigate rather than shooting pie in the sky commentary, they'd learn very quickly all the bad crap the Clintons have done. Too many social justice morons were so busy with the first woman president garbage, they overlooked her criminal behavior. Sounds like someone else they pimped for for the last eight years. Liberals are just insane. Completely convinced liberalism is a mental disorder that also lacks any semblance of sound judgment.

  10. Amazing how these days, anything Hillary ,Bill ,Obama have
    done ..........No Laws Broken have been Enforced on them

    It's all Who you are, cherry pick what to Enforce,Not enforce, with the Govt these days ....

    We used to think All laws were Enforced on us All , Not So !

    And look how Demoncrats Ignore all they have done ..All Ok !! to them .......Just Keep Blaming Republicans to Pivot !!


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