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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"They're Like The Praetorian Guard" - Whistleblower Confirms NSA Targeted Congress, The Supreme Court, & Trump

NSA whistleblower William Binney told Tucker Carlson on Friday that the NSA is spying on "all the members of the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, both House and Senate, as well as the White House."

Binney, who served the NSA for 30 years before blowing the whistle on domestic spying in 2001, told Tucker he firmly believes that Trump was spied on.

"They're taking in fundamentally the entire fiber network inside the United States and collecting all that data and storing it, in a program they call Stellar Wind," Binney said.

"That's the domestic collection of data on US citizens, US citizens to other US citizens," he said. "Everything we're doing, phone calls, emails and then financial transactions, credit cards, things like that, all of it."



  1. They spy so they can get dirt on these people to black mail...

  2. john roberts and the ObamaCare decision has always been a conspiracy

  3. And that is how they got Roberts to side with them on 0bamacare!! Democrats are truly scumbags. Glad I have started removing them from my life. I will deal with the family democrats on occasion.

  4. Every American should be afraid.
    Instead, you CHEER when they openly tell you that they listen to everything and watch everyone.
    Orwell was right. And that is a sad thing to say......

  5. Dittos to 9:00am and 9:08...

  6. you aint seen nothin yet! wait until they start rounding all you fools up! thin it cant or wont happen? guess again!


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