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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

There is Only One Way Out of Poverty


  1. People who have never been in poverty are telling you how to get out of poverty? Huh.

    These rainbows and butterfly videos are stupid.

    Employers will always hold you down. Start there.

  2. Creation of the entitlements class was a huge government mistake. Four generations of paying people to be at the bottom has kept them at the bottom and increased their numbers exponentially.

  3. My business used to be near the Halo center on South Blvd. When the One Stop Job Shop bus would be there...nothing but crickets. Not a soul would get near it. They avoided it like the plague.
    But, when the Obama Free Phone tent was set up between Halo and the Giant shopping center, HOLY COW !!! The line was 30 deep all day long.
    If it's free, they'll line up. If they have to work for it, forgetaboutit!
    Welfare needs to be workfare. Regardless of skills. Have them help in roads, schools, parks, whatever... but make them give back to the community that's helping them. Not just sitting around watching The View.

    1. Well put. Almost everyone not in a coma can do something constructive and at least partially earn their keep.


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