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Thursday, March 09, 2017

The Faking News Fakers: 'Wiretaps? What Wiretaps?'

Despite all the fake media hysterics, keeping the “Trump and Putin rigged the election” myth alive has nothing to do with facts. But it has everything to do with de-legitimizing Trump’s stunning victory, keeping his administration off-balance and derailing his agenda.

As usual, leftists and their media sycophants never let facts get in the way of a political hatchet job.

Last weekend, Donald Trump tweeted a sensational claim — that the Obama administration tapped his phones during the 2016 presidential campaign between Trump and BO’s corrupt heir-apparent, Hillary Clinton. The Democrats' public relations department, a.k.a. the mainstream media, responded with howls that there was no evidence of any wiretaps, much less evidence Obama knew about any wiretaps — just more Trump paranoid hysteria.

However, Patriot Post editor Thomas Gallatin provided a heap of evidentiary substance for Trump’s claims, given that news of wiretaps on senior Trump leadership, while Obama was in office, had been widely affirmed by the same Leftmedia outlets now denying Trump’s claims about wiretaps. Some of the more notable MSM print and talking-head “journalists” even cited these wiretaps as sources for their “reports” on Trump.

Gallatin pointed out that the MSM was “disingenuously dismissive” in rejecting Trump’s charge, especially given that an initial request to wiretap Trump’s team was turned down by the FISAC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court), but subsequent requests were granted.

Allow me to elaborate.

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