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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tell The Senate To Protect Maryland Students

In one of the most outrageous and irresponsible moves that our legislature has ever taken, the House has passed and the Senate is currently debating a bill that prohibits the State Board of Education from taking any substantial action to make any improvements to persistently failing schools. It prevents needed accountability in our school system, makes it more difficult to identify school that are falling behind and will make it nearly impossible for our state to save these persistently failing schools

This misguided and horrible bill was drafted by political operatives of the teacher's union who have been lobbying members of the General Assembly for months. It is designed to hide the failures of particular schools at the expense of the children who are trapped in these schools

Contact your legislators and tell them to don't hurt our students and OPPOSE HB 978 and SB 871! Contact them here → http://bit.ly/MDLEGCONTACT


  1. Dear Readers,

    For those of you opposed to such ill conceived and ridiculous proposed legislation, I strongly urge you to take a few moments of your day to respond with an email to voice your thoughts on this. It takes only a few moments, and strong support can indeed turn this dangerous proposed legislation back.



  2. The State Board of education in Maryland can make any rules that they see fit they do not have to have anything legislated. Check it it's the truth. Their guidelines trump anything in Maryland law.

  3. where's Liberal Jim on this?

  4. I'm moving to South Carolina. Less liberal BS and better basketball.


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