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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sweden Can’t Find Contractor Willing to Build Police Station in Dangerous Migrant Suburb

Plans to build a new police station in Rinkeby have been put on hold because construction companies fear for the safety of their workforce in the migrant-dominated Stockholm suburb.

The city earmarked the site of a former nursing home as the location for the new station. But construction companies failed to bid for the project, not wanting to risk having to work in a neighborhood notorious for gang and gun crime.

“It’s too dangerous to build a police station in the area,” SVT News was told by a number of police officers who wanted to remain anonymous.

“It would have to be guarded around the clock. This is because not only is there the risk of theft, but also the danger and threat to staff who will be working on the construction project,” the public broadcaster was told.



  1. I bet a small contingent of US Marines would gladly volunteer. Sure beats Faluja or Bagdad. And the women are much prettier.

  2. Put the "Migrants" to work.

  3. 10:58 if they did that, everyone would complain that American jobs are going to migrants

  4. The migrant contractors wouldn't want the job and they couldn't hire anybody if they took it.

  5. Call the Sea Bees.

  6. deport them. problem solved.

  7. Sub out security services for construction. Problem solved.


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