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Monday, March 06, 2017

Starbucks’ Move To Hire 10,000 Refugees May Come At A Cost, Survey Finds

Starbucks’ recent decision to hire 10,000 refugees within the next five years may result in a loss of profit for the company.

According to a recent YouGov BrandIndex survey, Starbucks’ consumer brand perception has dropped by 66 percent since the announcement in January.

YouGov questions approximately 4,800 individuals daily in an attempt to determine the U.S. population’s views on a variety of brands.

The Starbucks survey did not ask specifically if those polled had heard the refugee announcement, but rather if they had heard anything — positive or negative — about the brand.

The answers provided allowed YouGov to establish a “Buzz score” based on consumer perception.

“Since the January 29th hiring announcement, Starbucks’ consumer perception levels fell by two-thirds,” YouGov said in a statement Wednesday.



  1. Where's all the LIBERALS supporting Starbucks? Goes to prove that they talk a bunch of BS but refuse to support one of their own. Reminds me of that sob story with Target. LMAO

  2. Having a beautiful Super Target here in Florida and more Starbucks than a human needs and we ignore both....

  3. They should put a Starbuck's in every Target store so that we can more conveniently ignore them both.

  4. I won't be drinking at Starbucks any longer. I refuse to take my high school daughter there any longer. I don't care how cool it is.

  5. Starbucks will learn juzt like Target....booooom.

  6. Starbucks can rot for all I care. But I like coffee. What's a good alternative coffee shoppe where I won't have to support illegal aliens with my coffee dollars?


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