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Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Peter’s Lutheran works for immigrant rights in OC

Sign, sign, can’t you read the sign.

The marquee in front of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10301 Coastal Hwy., which translates to “We are in solidarity with immigrants,” is a response to the recent spike in arrests and detentions by Immigration Control and Enforcement officials, said Pastor Gregg Knepp.

Concerned that families are being torn apart, Knepp consulted with Bishop Bill Gohl Jr., who oversees more than 170 Lutheran Churches in Delaware and Maryland.

“Before I knew it, I had agreed to coordinate a response on the Eastern Shore,” he said. “I’m not sure if I volunteered or if I was assigned this responsibility.”



  1. I wish they cared this much for our vets, or other Americans in need

  2. Lutherans also have lesbian and gay preachers.....go figure....ignore them...

  3. 4:37 I agree if they are so concerned and wants to quote from the Bible, no disrespect, about helping illegals, law breakers, then how come they are not as / more concerned about our Vets, Elderly, the homeless including homeless children, the abandon / abused children and rape victims? We have all the above on the Eastern Shore. Why are they not put ahead of illegals that are breaking the law? The Eastern Shore has always taken care of their own first.

  4. If they were worried about their families being torn apart then they shouldn't have come here illegally in the first place. I have no sympathy for them.

  5. The ELCA is the liberal branch of the Lutheran Church. Missouri synod is very conservative. Please don't lump all Lutheran's as liberal.

  6. regarding Lutheran Refugee and Resettlement Service - from Ann Corcoran's REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT WATCH: "So I am giving them the benefit of the doubt when I conclude that they are 95% funded by you—-the taxpayers of America! It could be higher."

  7. What about American rights ?


  8. Our problem is not immigrants; they are here legally.

    Our problem is illegal aliens. They need to leave, and legally apply to immigrate.

    Simple as that!


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