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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

SPD Press Release - (Pedestrian vs. Vehicle Hit and Run Investigation) 3-1-17


  1. At that location they like to run across the road and make you slam on the brakes.

  2. There are far too many jaywalkers at that intersection and nearby ones that cross 50. It doesn't help that too many drivers are exceeding the speed limit there, too.

  3. Is it possible for a driver to not know he hit a pedestrian?If he was treated and released one would assume a glancing blow caused the injury vs a straight on hit.Before you jump all over me & say that cannot happen, consider road hypnosis that occurs when people commute long distances to and from work.They become oblivious to everything around them except the lines on the road.Maybe I am crazy,but I think it could happen.

  4. The kiddies there wear dark clothing....run into flowing traffic....just last night riding through there....the kids were tossing ball into moving traffic, and hollering at you in the dark as you rode over their ball in the road....why are not the police monitoring that area?

  5. Same thing happens at Bennett High School.....they jaywalk and basically "dare" you to hit them as they
    walk across College Ave from the school. I was in the right of way and one guy in a hoodie gave me the
    finger for not slowing down as he crossed over from BHS without being at a crosswalk!

  6. I go through that area EVERY DAY.
    The kids look like they wait for cars to ride by and then walk as slow as possible while looking directly at you as if to say" what? You gonn a hit me?"
    They taunt drivers and jaywalk at will.
    What do the cops say??

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  7. Don't use the crosswalk, too bad. Your problem, not the drivers.


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