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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Siri is in on the Game

Watching the last video, I tested my own iPhone and asked the question we all want the answer to. Here's what I got:

Any questions?


  1. Charles Krauthammer said he's never trusted his microwave... LMAO!

  2. "Are you watching me?" Siri: "Not at the moment." LOL!

  3. They make privacy cases that you can put iphones in that block all transmissions since you can't take the battery out.

  4. from what i saw today, Apple with the help of WIki got patches to fix their issues. Now will Google with Android? Apple does care about the privacy of its customers. They proved that last year when they refused to unlock that phone and or give code to unlock that phone of those two terrorists from Ca. Apple phones are harder to hack then a Android phone. as long as you use the lock features. Many dont lock their phones, they leave them unsecured, big mistake now days. lock/passcode your phones when not using them!


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