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Monday, March 20, 2017

Sign the Petitions - Say No to the Maryland Sanctuary State Bill!

Last week, a 14 year old girl at Rockville High School was raped in school by two of her fellow students. One of those students had an "illegal alien deportation removal order" against them. 18 year old criminals set to be deported should not be a freshman in our public schools. 
This week, Democrats in the General Assembly are looking to pass a sanctuary state bill that would prevent law enforcement from following the law to comply with immigration enforcement efforts. This is unacceptable.
Please sign the petition to tell the Democratic Establishment that they should not pass HB 1362or SB 835!
click HERE to sign the petition 

Below is another petition.

 Say NO to Maryland Becoming a Sanctuary State

Democrats in Annapolis are formulating legislation and other initiatives in anticipation of changes in federal policy which they plan to introduce in the coming days. Included in the legislation is a bill that would make Maryland a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.

Immigration advocates are working with Maryland lawmakers to draft the Maryland Trust Act. A bill shaped after a California law that restricts the state’s assistance to deportation authorities.

At present, warrant units will notify the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office right away when there is a person in custody that has a wanted detainer. Once the person in custody is in completion of the local charges, including release on bail, the federal agency is notified to pick up the person if the detention center or prison has received a copy of the judicial warrant. The warrant gives the state authority to hold a person for 48 hours.


  1. What about Delaware?

    1. Delaware has had illegals longer than Maryland. Georgetown has been called little Mexico for decades. Might already be a sanctuary state.

  2. Once they do, even if it is against our will, MD will lose every grant it has for schools, grantee that, and then who do you think will pay the bill even more, when taxes go up to cover the losses???

    1. Not if the people of Maryland ALL refuse to do so.

  3. I was only 17 years old when I graduated from high school. We shouldn't have adults going to school with kids. If he is only a freshman that is ninth grade. If he were to graduate in four years he would be 22 years old. But being an illegal it would probably take him even longer to get to the twelfth grade. Even more reasons to get behind Trump and stop these criminals from coming into our country.

  4. Making our great state of Maryland a sanctuary state would just leave our fellow Marylanders vulnerable and basically unprotected basically stripping our local law enforcement of any help whatsoever needed from federal agencies. And it will hurt us #BigLeague so Gov. Larry Hogan #VetoHB1362 #KeepMarylandSafe


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