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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Schumer Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall

After Democratic lawmakers’ years of shrieking and televised temper tantrums over how shutting down the federal government somehow approximates treason, Democrats have suddenly embraced the tactic in their quest to keep the nation’s borders wide open for Muslim terrorists and illegal aliens.

Democrats are threatening to force a shut-down of the government after it runs out of operating funds after April 28.

Outnumbered in both houses of Congress, and facing a Republican in the White House for the first time in eight years, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats say they will oppose efforts to finance President Trump’s planned border wall in spending legislation needed to keep the government open for business. Adding favored projects to must-pass spending bills, instead of dealing with the projects as freestanding legislation outside the budget process, is a time-honored way of getting things done in Congress. Both parties do it when in the majority.

But Schumer is now a professional obstructionist committed to undermining the Trump administration so at long last he sees things differently.

“The border wall is impractical and unpopular,” said Schumer on Sunday, “a pointless burden that this administration is trying to pay for by taking money away from the programs that actually keep Americans safe.”‎

More here


  1. Joe please post this #
    it is for the WHITEHOUSE and someone does Answer the phone to take your complaint to the WH STAFF
    202 456 1111.
    I wanted to know why Al Sharpton has not been arrested for tax evasion.
    2 Require welfare people to Work for welfare 18 hrs week.
    No soda or candy for EBT USERS.

  2. What is with this guy? It sounds like he needs an IRS audit to get him to refocus.

  3. Why can't this clown be removed....what ever it takes is now on the table.

  4. Hey, he brings up a VERY good point! So, Trump can take away ALL benefits from the illegals here now, kick them out of their section 8 housing onto the street, cancel their EBT cards in one day and pull all welfare and medicaid benefits. Send them running back home where it's nice and warm!

    That's enough to build TWO walls, but then we wouldn't even NEED a wall, because they would have no reason to immigrate here any more!

  5. Hmmm, build the wall, shut down the government. Sounds like a great idea. LET'S DO BOTH. Chuck Schumer, you're a freakin' genius.


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