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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Salisbury City Council Meeting Materials - 3-27-17


  1. "Unsolicited Newspapers", call it what it is; LITTERING!

    They blow all over the place, so having the "do not deliver" is easy to get out of. It's littering, Greg Bassett, and littering is punishable by a fine of $500- $1500 for each house you commit the crime at! And on the street as well! Jake Day and his City Minions need to stop taking Greg's bribes and grow a pair.

    L I T T E R I N G !!!!!

    Same out here in the County, Greg, and I'll have Bon Culver inform you of that as well!

  2. "Mr. Garrett reported the employees would receive either a $20.00 or $40.00 stipend, depending upon whether they use a regular phone or smart phone for work. This policy was not mandatory, and if all of the cell phone users with the City used their own phones, the savings to the City would amount to approximately $13,500 per year."

    Anyone that would put their personal cell phone out there for hateful citizens to call you every single day of your life is an idiot. To take a $20 or $40 stipend proves that you are an idiot!! Just to save the City $13,500 per year?? You are an idiot!!

  3. Anonymous said...
    "Unsolicited Newspapers", call it what it is; LITTERING!

    They blow all over the place, so having the "do not deliver" is easy to get out of. It's littering, Greg Bassett, and littering is punishable by a fine of $500- $1500 for each house you commit the crime at! And on the street as well! Jake Day and his City Minions need to stop taking Greg's bribes and grow a pair.

    L I T T E R I N G !!!!!

    Same out here in the County, Greg, and I'll have Bon Culver inform you of that as well!

    March 26, 2017 at 5:44 PM

    That is exactly what it is. Littering!! Lock Greg Bassett's ASS up!!


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