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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Republicans want to know why Trump hasn't fired the IRS head

Nearly two months into the Trump administration, the IRS commissioner House Republicans once threatened with impeachment remains on the job.

John Koskinen's continued tenure may be surprising, considering how aggressively Republicans went after him under the Obama administration. But despite a sustained push by congressional Republicans to oust the IRS chief before his five-year term expires this November, President Trump so far has made no move to do so.

Just last week, Koskinen was seen in the Capitol and told Fox News he was there to meet with “old friends.” Asked if he intended to stay on as commissioner during the Trump administration, Koskinen simply said, “They haven’t talked to me.”

A White House official, asked about the commissioner's future, also told Fox News on Wednesday they had no personnel announcements “at this time.”

House Republicans aren't giving up their quest to show Koskinen the door.

“President Trump should fire Commissioner Koskinen and replace him with someone that will bring integrity and competence to the IRS,” House Judiciary Committee Chariman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., told Fox News on Tuesday.



  1. Fire him and wake the HELL UP Trump.

  2. Just abolish the it's. That fires everybody

  3. Because he can't do everything at once, duh.He'll get around to it.

  4. He probably has Trumps tax returns locked in a bus locker and threatened to release them. They have each other by the cajones.

  5. I'm wondering why Trump hasn't fired Comey yet!

    I'm wondering why Trump hasn't fired a lot of people.

    I am wondering why Trump hasn't drained the swamp yet!

  6. I'm looking for a tickle me Elmo for my grand daughter

  7. Still need to collect taxes!


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