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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Rep. Sensenbrenner: Use Money From Drug Seizures to Pay For Wall

Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner said "bad Mexicans" from drug cartels should foot the bill for the wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, the Washington Examiner reports.

"Having the money seized from Mexican drug cartels would mean that the bad Mexicans end up paying for the wall, and the bad Mexicans have been terrorizing the good Mexicans with crimes and kidnappings and murders within Mexico itself," the House Judiciary Committee member said.

"Saying that we're going to have the Mexican drug cartels end up paying for the wall, that very well may be something that is powerful enough to get the institutional inertia in the Senate overcome."



  1. And put the money that won't be spent on them if they "stayed" in their home country, back into the American taxpayer's pocket!

  2. Awesum idea except then youd have to fight the sheriffs in every state for that money because they want it to buy cool toys like Harley's n such.

  3. Oh, The Federal Government can use Drug Money to build the Wall. But Marijuana sales cannot be deposited in Federal Banks.
    How is this going to happen. Where are you going to deposit the drug money?

  4. 11:27
    Where it normally is deposited, in politicians pockets. Oh they may launder it by buying homes and toys instead of toting cash. But they enjoy it a lot, that's what they mean election time. We've got more to do yet.

  5. I have a better idea. Make all illegal aliens register and pay a $5,000 fine. Also fine every business owner $10,000 for every illegal that they employ. That would raise plenty of money. If they don't register then make it mandatory deportation when they are discovered no ifs ands or buts.

  6. 3:34, AMEN!!!! (map)

  7. And make drug smugglers build the wall will no pay, wile in prison.


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