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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Rachel Dolezal changes her name to West African moniker

Rachel Dolezal — the white NAACP leader who pretended to be black for years — has reportedly changed her name to a West African moniker, meaning “gift of God.”

The 39-year-old will now be called Nkechi Amare Diallo, according to the Daily Mail.

Legal documents obtained by the British outlet show that she legally changed her name in a Washington state court back in October.

Nkechi, which is short for Nkechinyere, originates from the Igbo language of Nigeria — and translates to “what God has given” or “gift of God,” the Mail reports.



  1. I thought this dumb idiot was Broke ? but has $ to change her name move to Africa.

  2. Complete "special needs" idiot.

  3. Excuse me, I have to go put a Nkechi in the porcelain temple. Lmao.

  4. "Broke" was a media term used for a specific purpose.Our ignorance is being played upon by people like this.Negative stock is a good investment when that stock happens to be a down and out person.I must say,this is one of the smartest ad campaigns I've seen in years.Barely a nickel spent over the last 2 weeks promoting her and the whole world has stood up & taken notice.Tabloids will be next if they haven't already jumped on board.Brilliant! Bravo!

  5. She needs to move to Africa and then let them call her whatever; she didn't have to change her name at all.

  6. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for this woman? She stole a job away from a Black person much like Lizzie Warren stole a Native American's place at Harvard. Democrats don't mind stealing when they're the ones doing the stealing. 🎻🎻🎻 👈🏻 World's smallest violins play for her.

  7. There's a person that is obviously in need of some mental health treatment.

  8. Just like Elizabeth Warren the fake indian

  9. Just another fake black person trying to milk it for all they can get.

  10. A name like that should really help her find that job she says she can't find.

  11. With those looks and her backstory, she needs a recurring role on Family Guy.

  12. Good move to change her name. Future employers googling the new name won't find out about her lies and masquerades.

    She might just make it 6 months before the bottom drops out on her again...


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