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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pelosi Calls Out Trump On Twitter…Then Gets COMPLETELY DESTROYED For Double Standard!!

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi from California, reintroduced the discussion on Twitter Sunday, as to why she is an absolute horror to the country. She tweeted out that President Donald Trump had to “grow up,” expressing that Trump shouldn’t be “allowed” to say whatever he wants without any evidence on hand to back it up…

Well if being “allowed” to speak is how Pelosi views the our first amendment rights, then maybe she should try her hand at North Korean politics…She would fit right in over there.

She was think of Trump’s charge that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower throughout last year’s presidential campaign. There was no evidence to assist Trump’s claims that have been released to the public, and the Trump administration proceeds to call on agencies to perform an investigation into the matter.



  1. If you listened to Comey's testimony he actually said that there was no ILLEGAL wiretapping of Trump. If a judge was convinced to sign off, whether for political favors or through deceit, it would not be illegal, now would it?

  2. Nancy shake your way to a nursing home you old pos.

  3. In a quiet room you can hear the sound of the ocean coming from her head.

  4. It's so weird the liberals want a war with Russia it's all they talk about. I want trump to get along with Russia and make some money. Democrat was my party for 30 years I didn't vote obama and after Benghazi I changed party's. I'm happy with Trump but not with the Republicans. I will probably go independent like the rest of my family did. Democrats are very violent and lie non stop everything is a talking point. I think Trump is correct on obama and media is falling for it again. Comeys answer was his typical half truth

  5. The left wants knods only.

  6. Nancy choppy-hands is 3 fries short of a happy meal.

  7. Just read on msn.com bho spied on the Trumps for eight years.


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