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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Parking Lot Suicides: Veterans Found Dead In VA Parking Lots

Over the past month, multiple veterans have been found dead in cars in various parking lots at VA hospitals across the country.

Most recently, police found one dead veteran in the parking lot of the Memphis VA after two days in the car.

The previous week, another veteran’s body was found outside Durham VA in the parking lot there.

That veteran, Paul Shuping, was found dead five days after he killed himself in his car on VA property. Shuping reportedly fought for his benefits over many years and ultimately killed himself after numerous failed attempts.

A few weeks ago, still another veteran killed himself in his car at a VA facility within the Phoenix VA health system. That suicide never made the news.



  1. This is outrageous that our Government treats our veterans this way after serving our country so these government employees, including those elected, can have a safe and secure job in this country!

  2. Let's forget about those have served this country with honor and dignity and make sure the refugees and illegal immigrants are well taken care of.

  3. Thanks Democrats.

  4. I say for every suicide, a person at the VA geys life in prison, or the firing squad.


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