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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Outrage After Former Clinton Staffer Disgustingly Disrespects SEAL’s Wife

Dan Grilo, a former Hillary Clinton staffer tonight bashed the wife of fallen Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens. Owens was killed on January 29th during a counterterrorism military operation in Yemen.

He tweeted today:

“Sorry, Owens’ wife, you’re not helping yourself or your husband’s memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. Trump just used you.”

After receiving over 1,000 responses of backlash, he immediately not only deleted his tweet but he deleted/locked his whole account.

These are type of people that would have been running the country had Hillary and her evil minions won the presidency. Crisis averted. Here were some of the tweets that were part of the instant firestorm of backlash he received. Just know that no matter what Trump does, no matter how much you like or dislike his cabinet members, if you’re conservative you should be thanking God every day that Hillary Clinton is not the President. This type of anti-Americanism, anti-Veteran moral-less trash would have filled the white house if she did.



  1. Some SEALs mave have to bash him a little

  2. I think Fox News said he was fired from his job over this. He is disgusting.

  3. How heartless this liberal's comment was but especially only one month following the loss of her husband. Grilo needed to lose his job. But this is what today's Democratic Party's far left is all about. They're the same ones protesting in the streets, shouting profane words, damaging properties and leaving behind their filthy trash so that others have to clean it up.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 2, 2017 at 2:15 PM

    What else would you expect from Clinton's Staffer. Low life, no class, evil people.

  5. Don't worry, the Clintons or Obamas can hire him to work for Organizing for Action or one of their other foundations.

  6. Democrats are all about tolerance, aren't they? They are and say the most hateful and mean things and don't care who they offend. And just because their failed candidate lost. Boohoo.

  7. I bet he never served in ANY BRANCH OF MILITARY!

  8. Someone raised a POS.

  9. Seals pay him a visit.


  10. Mrs. Owens was there voluntarily. It took a great deal of courage and we applaud her for attending. That is in addition to the debt we can never repay her husband for his sacrifice.

    The Clinton staffer who tweeted is pure vile; no amount of bad language about him would be sufficient.


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