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Friday, March 03, 2017

Organization Tied To David Brock Used Taxpayer Money From Illicit Israeli Political Intervention To Fund Clinton Campaign

A case of US governmental meddling in the political affairs of a foreign ally previously investigated by Congress appears to have also been part of a scheme to launder taxpayer money and use it to fund the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, a crowdsourced investigation online has revealed. The effort has revealed that organizations tied to high ranking members of Shareblue and its holding company conspired with John Kerry's Department of State to use taxpayer funds in an effort to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu as the Prime Minister of Israel. The funds appear to potentially have then been laundered and returned via a campaign consulting group tied to former President Barack Obama, ultimately being used to fund the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

I. Funds Passed From The Department Of State Were Used By OneVoice In An Attempt To Unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Peter Daou is the CEO of Shareblue’s holding company, True Blue Media LLC. Mr. Daou played an integral role in the site’s transformation from True Blue Media to Shareblue. Mr. Daou was also a former advisor to Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and former Senator Arlen Specter. His website reveals that he has also advised the Clinton Foundation, the now shuttered Clinton Global Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy, the United Nations Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, AARP, Inc., Action Against Hunger, PR Newswire and Bloomberg Philanthropies, two news organizations which both have close ties to the City of London-based UBM plc.



  1. Drain. The. Swamp.

    These people need to be PROSECUTED and placed in a 'safe space'.

    One by one, till they are all where they belong.

  2. Prison time, period!

  3. This is why they keep the fake Russian connection going.


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