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Thursday, March 16, 2017

No Four Leaf Clover Is Going To Protect You

PIKESVILLE, MD— As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, troopers suggest those whose celebrations will include alcohol take time to make the right decision and designate a sober driver.

Based on past experience, Maryland state troopers are anticipating an increase in impaired driving as celebrants will be traveling on St. Patrick’s Day to and from different locations to enjoy festivities throughout the state. With this in mind, Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel William M. Pallozzi, has directed each of the 23 barracks to conduct saturation patrols focusing on impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers. Additional troopers will be assigned.

“If alcohol is part of your celebration, then driving should not be,” Colonel Pallozzi said. “We will accept no excuses and will have zero tolerance for anyone who elects to jeopardize his or her own safety, as well as the safety of others, by choosing to drive while impaired.”

During March 16-21, 2016, troopers arrested 153 drunk drivers. Driving with a blood alcohol content of .08 is evidence of intoxication and is against the law. A driver under the age of 21, with any measurable alcohol in their system, is in violation of alcohol laws in Maryland.

Troopers at each of the 23 State Police barracks in Maryland will be involved in multiple initiatives from today through March 18th. Initiatives include saturation patrols in areas known to have a higher number of DUI crashes or arrests and sobriety checkpoints, which are also conducted in locations where experience indicates they are most appropriate. The State Police Impaired Driving Effort, or SPIDRE Team, a full-time DUI enforcement squad, will also be on patrol.

The new Maryland State police mobile breath alcohol testing truck will be out and in use throughout the state. This vehicle provides on-location breath testing equipment to police officers working a sobriety checkpoint.

Dozens of additional troopers will be supplementing the regular patrol force during the weekend. Some of the troopers will be working overtime, funded by DUI enforcement grants through the Maryland Highway Safety Office.

If you are attending a St. Patrick’s Day gathering:
  • Designate your sober driver before the party begins and give that person your car keys.
  • Avoid drinking too much alcohol too fast by pacing yourself – eat enough food, take breaks, and alternate with non-alcoholic drinks.
  • If you don’t have a designated driver, ask a sober friend for a ride home; call a cab, friend, or family member to come and get you; or just stay where you are and sleep it off until you are sober.
  • Never let a friend leave your sight if you think they are about to drive while impaired.
  • Always buckle up – it’s still your best protection against other impaired drivers.

If you are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day gathering:
  • Remember, you can be held liable and prosecuted if someone you served ends up in an impaired-driving crash.
  • Be sure all of your guests designate their drivers in advance, or help arrange ride-sharing with sober drivers.
  • Serve lots of food and be sure to include plenty of non-alcoholic beverages at the party.
  • Keep the numbers for local cab companies handy, and take the keys away from anyone who is thinking of driving while impaired.


  1. Blah blah blah...same old revenue collection scheme every holiday.

  2. we are gettin more drunk.

  3. refuse all breath tests.

  4. Stop confusing a four-leaf clover with a shamrock. They're not the same thing.

  5. .08 is 2 beers. No kidding

  6. A badge will protect you.

  7. Simple. It you want to drink, don't operate a vehicle on the road. Otherwise, drink all you want. The sooner you drunks destroy your livers, the sooner we won't have to listen to you whine.

  8. Some officers have been known to escort dds home. All in who you know (and sometimes what you know)

  9. Last year they caught 153 "impaired" drivers. What's the population of MD? 153 out of X? Better odds of being shot or mugged in SBY.

  10. lets post the bars Cops hang out ?

  11. Where are the check points?

  12. 1:26 AM:

    The article clearly states, "During March 16-21, troopers arrested 153 drunk drivers". You stated, "Last year they caught 153 "impaired" drivers". There is a large difference between 153 drunks being arrested in six days as the article correctly stated than 153 in 365 days as you incorrectly stated. Maybe you need to cut back on your personal consumption, as something is impairing your comprehension.


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