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Saturday, March 18, 2017

New York State Kills Literacy Test for Teachers: Minority Kids Hardest Hit

Teachers’ unions are cheering the news that New York state education officials have killed off a literacy test which successfully revealed that almost a third of candidate teachers cannot meet eight-grade standards.

Members of the New York state Board of Regents voted on Monday to eliminate the literacy exam which revealed the prospective teachers’ poor reading and writing skills, saying the controversial test is “flawed” and that it puts Latino and African-American teacher applicants at an unfair disadvantage.

Advocates of testing said the decision to kill the literacy test will lower teaching standards, especially for minority students in the city.

“Eliminating the [test just] to increase the number of unqualified, unprepared Black and Latino prospective teachers is the most racist and destructive action taken under the guise of diversifying NY’s teachers,” said Mona Davids, President of the New York City Parents Union, adding:

We, Black and Latino parents, do not want teachers who cannot pass a basic literacy test. We don’t care about the color or race of the teacher, we want highly effective teachers teaching our children.



  1. There's that word again. Diversification is just a pleasing term for lowering standards to accept a great many substandard performers. It's the new "Affirmative Action", which all but the most ignorant realize is an abject failure.


  2. Memo to Board of Regents: Fail!

  3. This is what happens after 4 years of college with unqualified and uneducated liberal professors. You are still stupid and cant qualify for a teaching job.

  4. Pretty bad when the teachers aren't qualified!

    Forced diversity at the expense of quality gets you what we experienced for the last eight years in the white house...an unqualified dirt-bag that wanted to destroy the country!

  5. Its about pushing diversity.. its not important that the teachers read.. just the color of their skin

  6. The continued dumbing down of America!!!!!

  7. So all the Greek, Italian, French, Polish, German Swedish and others who immigrated to America were able to successfully merge into the American way of life. But black and Latinos need to have the standards lowered and essentially removed in an attempt to do what others were able to do?

    This is embarrassing and insulting to say the least.

  8. Killing the literacy bill to accommodate Latino and blacks basically states they aren't up to the task that whites have accomplished in past generations.

  9. "a third of candidate teachers cannot meet eight-grade standards"

    Welcome to America! Thanks for all you idiots voting for those damn Democrats!

  10. 6:12 Love your comment!!! too bad you will never get anyone from either of those groups to admit something like this is true.

  11. That's right STUPID TEACHERS TEACHING STUPID KIDS. What do you get then. More illiterate people. That right keep dumbing down the population so they will vote for all the Democrats to give them handouts.


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