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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Asks Followers What They Love About Obamacare – Regrets It IMMEDIATELY!

Poor Nancy Pelosi… I wonder if she really believed this would turn out well. Pelosi tweeted a question out to her followers late Monday, asking them what they loved about Obamacare. It didn’t quite turn out the way she had envisioned. Not at all. I guess she thought she would have an outpouring of support after President Trump and the Republicans released their new healthcare plan that is meant to repeal and replace Obamacare. Dems have been prepping for this fight and feel it is a good weapon against the Republicans for the 2018 elections. Maybe not.

Never one to miss a chance at sticking her foot in her mouth, Pelosi asked people to share their experiences with Obamacare. And boy, did she get an answer or three. Not the ones she was surely looking for, but nevertheless, answers. In place of success stories, she got tales of horror and anger. It’s exactly what she deserves, but I’m sure she was shocked.



  1. It took her all this time to ask constituents what they thought of the former mystery health plan? That's what's called being out of touch.

  2. She's clueless bet she calls Obama everynite.

    1. yeah to drool with another pos.

  3. She looks like a female skeletor

  4. She does not have to worry about healthcare. Between her net worth and receiving government welfare benefits as a Politian, she gets it free. This tells you how out of touch with her constituents she is and her intelligence / ignorance.

  5. She's the perpetual fool on the hill sung about in the Beatles song. Day after day she just doesn't get how ridiculous she appears to the world.

  6. Apparently senility is one of the qualifications most sought after for Democratic congress people.

  7. A true nitwit. Who in the hell would vote for that dispicable POS ?

  8. But the morons will vote her in again. They deserve what they get.


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