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Sunday, March 05, 2017

NAACP launches national economic boycott of NC

RALEIGH, N.C. — The national NAACP announced Friday it would levy an economic boycott against North Carolina to protest laws enacted by the state's Republican-controlled General Assembly.

State NAACP President Rev. William Barber and national President Cornell Brooks said at a news conference outside the legislature that the NAACP's national board unanimously approved the boycott, which would include skipping the Tar Heel State in the organization's search for its national convention venue.

The NAACP's 2017 convention will be held in Baltimore.

"They're calling for a boycott that will hurt, a boycott that will be painful, a boycott that will literally bring this state to its knees unless it stands up for civil rights," Brooks said.


  1. NC will be just fine ......Not worried about threats !!!

  2. LOL Let the racists stay away from N C it will help the economy.

  3. This is what standing together against injustice looks like. Something Rev. Barber clearly understands - that what affects one of us needs to affect all of us.

  4. The sky will still be blue over NC.
    Baltimore, not so much.

  5. The NAACP is an ineffectual organization. What do they do, and what have they done for the advancement of colored people? If they were effective, there would be evidence of it over the last 50 years. Instead, all they do is fan hatred and racism. Are there any equivalent white groups? European American? Asian American? Any other continent American?
    So, if they boycott NC, does that mean the colored people are moving out of NC? Or do they feel the pain like the other non-colored NC residents that the NAACP is targeting ???

  6. nc just dont want to end up like bmore! cant say I blame em!

  7. cool time ot move to NC then, or any state NAACP is against

    Love it

  8. This helped me decide to start going to Nags Head, not Ocean City, MD in the summer.

  9. If Whites can't have NAAWP or Jews NAAJP > then there
    should not be any NAACP for colored people !!! Period

    Indians should have NAAIP or Mexicans NAAMP !!! Why Not ?

  10. Funny their Boycott of South Carolina for not taking down the Confederated Battle flag several years ago didn't hurt the State one bit.

  11. Mary Ashanti.... need I say more!

  12. Wonderful! Now we can go there for a nice vacation and not be bothered by Thugs.

  13. Then BMore's murder rate / crime increased.

  14. Al Sharpton / Cummings / Jesse Jackson / Farakon /

    Shumer / Pelosi NC Don't need you anyway !!!! see Ya

  15. Yamakawa, take another gulp of your Koolaid. You just regurgitate what the race baiters and MSM tell you to say. NC has the largest military bases and highest population of active and retired military personnel in the country. And, guess what, a very high percentage of them are black. So, the NAACP boycott is going to hurt black people disproportionately than whites. that's an ironic twist. The NAACP will be hurting blacks and veterans. Ain't that American!
    So how's that for helping advancing the needs of colored people? I'm sorry, does your brain hurt from the logic?

  16. Racist group that is no longer valid in today's society. Give it attention (via tv/media) then they still have a voice to be heard. Leave it alone and it will eventually dissolve in its own waste/filth.

    Such a hateful group!

  17. Time to take that RACE CARD AWAY and have Real Equality !!

    Time for Affirmative White Action !!! Trump get on it now

  18. NAAWP badley needed !!! for white folks

  19. WET channel too / since they have BET


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