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Sunday, March 26, 2017

MoCo Council President on Rockville HS gang rape: "Bad things happen"

After hiding from their constituents and the press for four days, Montgomery County elected officials yesterday began to react to the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants at Rockville High School last Thursday. It was notable that County Council President Roger Berliner did not begin his weekly press conference by making a statement about the incident, which is foremost on the minds of county residents and parents. Only after being asked about the rape by a reporter, did Berliner comment. "Bad things happen," he suggested at one point.

Asked about the hot topic of why adults (the accused rapists are 17 and 18) are allowed to enroll as ninth-graders in Montgomery County Public Schools, Berliner endorsed the idea as a sound education policy for those with poor English skills.

In regard to the County's de facto sanctuary policies regarding citizenship status, a reporter asked if officials thought the incident should bring those policies into question now. Berliner disputed that idea in a puzzling way, asserting that the rape incident "reinforces why Montgomery County does what it does."



  1. MONTGOMERY county land of the largest $10 Million mosque in MD.

  2. I hope the girls family sues the heck out of the MoCo Schools. They KNOWINGLY are allowing illegals to register for school.

  3. Wonder if that would be his "casual, uncaring response" if that happened to be his daughter it happened too!

  4. Bad things happen ok when your ass gets beat then what things just happen if were my daughter justice would already b done 2 down im saving future victims or how bout like they belive if you steal cut of hand how bout if u rape someone u get your d... cut off to prevent this again

  5. Why do all these media outlets keep saying alleged rape like she is lying about it. If she had a sexual encounter at that age whether by consent or not it is still rape(either violent or statutory). So all you media drop the alleged.

  6. This guy said WHAT? May be why I'll never want to live there! ID 10 T

  7. What's the fuss. It was only a Sanctuary Rape.

  8. You have to say alleged until convicted If not you are opening yourself up for lawsuits even if they are as guilty as sin.

  9. Illegals....alleged, my ass...open me-self up for a lawsuit, they are 'alleged' to be illegal and will be illegal until they prove otherwise. Let their illegal asses sue! I'm sure Mr. Berliner will push the charges against me as long as it wasn't his daughter or family member who was violated

  10. It was stated on FOX, that there is a law that the school cannot "axe" if a student is illegal

  11. This is just friggin insanity. Allowing illegal to steal from our tax base. The abuse goes beyond compassion. IT MUST STOP YOU HEAR US MD REPS!!

  12. Wish i could get free medical education and medical services without paying TAXES. you idiots in annapolis are the real criminals

  13. 6:54 That only applies in reference to the perpetrators. They have to call them alleged rapists. It is either a rape or it is not. If it is not then it is an assault or at the least an attack. It can't be called an alleged rape, there is no such thing as an alleged rape. To call the rape alleged is stupid. They don't have to call the rape an alleged rape that doesn't open up any media outlet to any lawsuit. They do have to call the two arrested alleged rapists until convicted.

  14. You get what you vote for. Thank your liberal friends

  15. I think a better idea for what to do with illegals with poor english skills is to DEPORT them. Like, GTFO, you non-english speaking, child-raping POS!

  16. The far-left have brainwashed our society to the point that they don't think logically anymore. No common sense used anymore. Trump needs to get congress to vote to stop the taxpayer-funding for illegals immediately.

  17. a lawsuit will never make the people responsible for allowing this situation to happen held accountable, the taxpayers will pay and maybe they should for their stupidity in voting these idiots into office. Only one way to hold those who make these decisions accountable and it's not a lawsuit! if it was my daughter their would be much higher price to pay! money will never give this girl back what was taken from her!

  18. 6:55 U r 100% correct. I'll bet they would understand that English!

  19. 5:19 You are absolutely right! And I'll bet most of the parents complaining voted democrat all the way. You reap what you sow. And it's never a problem until it happens in your backyard.


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