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Friday, March 17, 2017

Missing Lab In Salisbury: UPDATE

Bo, or Bozo has run off from the Cannon Farm Estates, 30423 Bennett Road, Salisbury. It’s suppertime, and I’ll bet someone has him in house obliging his request. I’ve been around 7 times and neighbors haven’t seen him in an hour. If you have him, Please call me! Gary @ 443-523-0029. Male lab who plays frisbee forever.


  1. ...And he's got a white blaze on his chest...

  2. Sure hope he's found & returned!!

  3. Bozo, once again, has turned himself into Authorities and has returned home on his own recognizance after 6 hours of being a fugitive. Many leads and sightings led to his ultimate capture and homecoming.

    Thanks to the 6 neighbors who reported sightings and times that led to his ultimate surrender!

  4. Bozo just needed some excitement in his life. He escaped for a little jaunt around the neighborhood, but probably realized where his dinner came from and headed back home. Glad he's back safe and sound!

  5. All males make a little run in the spring.....sniffing out the bitches!

  6. Funny, he's not asking for his normal afternoon feed. Someone must have obliged him in that!

    Thanks to all who love our doggies!

  7. good do not want any bozo clowns on the loose

  8. we're all bozos on this bus.

  9. Glad you found him. Joe has the greatest blog in helping find animals. Made my weekend. My dog loves playing run and fetch with the baseball gonna take him out right now.


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